Page 14 of Think Twice

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“I’m all ears, Emily.”

She did the lip gnaw again. “I didn’t tell the police this. Just so we are clear. I wasn’t trying to hide anything. It’s not their business. None of this is.”


“It’s not your business either.”


“Greg and I had an arrangement.”

Myron waited for her to say more. When she didn’t, he asked, “What kind of arrangement?”

“A transactional one.”

Most arrangements are, Myron knew, but instead of raising that, he went again with: “Okay.”

“Greg was rich.”


“You know this better than anyone.”


“Stop saying okay,” she snapped. “Anyway, he promised to take care of me.”

“Financially?” Myron asked.

“Yes. It’s how I can afford to live here. Greg set up a generous trust for me. For Jeremy too, of course. Win helped him set all that up.”

“Seems normal,” Myron said.

“It wasn’t. I mean, our relationship…” Emily stopped.

“Are you saying you weren’t really married?”

“Yes. Well, no. We were legally married. But I mean, what is marriage anyway? Greg spent his life on the road with basketball. That’s always been the case. During the off-season, he mostly hung out in South Beach. He only stayed with me when he visited New York, which was, I don’t know, maybe a month, six weeks every year.”

“And when he did stay, did you two—”

Myron motioned coming together with his hands, accordion style, wondering why he would ask a question like this in the first place. Did it matter?

“We had separate bedrooms,” Emily said, “though we sometimes hooked up. You know how it is. We’d go to a fancy dinner party or charity ball. We’re all dressed up, we’d have a bit to drink, we’d come home, we’d remember what it used to be like and it’s late and it’s too hard to find someone else…”

She met Myron’s eye. Myron said, “Got it. Go on.”

“What else is there?”

“For one thing, why did you want this arrangement?”

“I wanted financial stability.”

“And what about Greg?”

Emily turned away from him and headed toward a glass bar cart. “Drink?”

“No, thank you.” They were getting to the heart of it now. “Whose idea was this arrangement?”

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