Page 119 of Think Twice

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Damn eyes welling up. He blinked.


“I want to tell them, Jeremy. About you. And I want you to meet them.”

Jeremy took a second. Then he said, “It’s a hell of a time to ask.”

“I know.”

“With my father in jail.”

“I know. I didn’t plan on asking.”

Jeremy looked off again. Myron gave him the space. After some time had passed, Jeremy said, “Can we talk about it when I get back?”

“Of course. Yeah. No pressure.”


Esperanza read from the tablet on her lap.

“So the only names PT actually said were Tracy Keating and Robert Lestrano?”

They sat in Win’s parlor, all three ensconced in the burgundy leather armchairs.

Esperanza looked up at Myron and sighed. “What?”

“When was the last time the three of us were here like this?”

“Last month,” Esperanza said. “Ema’s birthday party. Your nephew was here.”

“I don’t mean for a party. I mean, just the three of us.” Myron motioned with his arms. “Like this.”

Esperanza shook her head. “You’re such a wuss.” She turned to Win and held up the snifter of cognac. “This is pretty good stuff.”

“Remy Louis XIII Black Pearl Grande Champagne Cognac,” Win said.

“You say so.”

Win frowned. “Myron?”


“It’s gauche to check prices on your phone.”

Myron stopped typing. “Is the bottle more expensive than a car?”

Win considered that. “Not my car.”


“Can we get back to this?” Esperanza asked. “Hector comes home tonight.”

“Where is he?”

“Down in Florida with his father.”

Esperanza split custody fifty-fifty with her son’s father.

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