Page 107 of Think Twice

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“Yeah, I didn’t get it either.”

But Myron did get it. Shanty. The bar where Bo/Brian/Stevie worked in Montana. Myron nodded to himself, seeing it now. Turant’s people knew that Myron had flown to Montana. They’d sent men there, started canvassing where Myron had gone, maybe asked around, maybe there had been a tracker on Myron’s rental car, whatever. They’d somehow found out where Bo was at the same time as they were threatening Myron’s dad. So they held up, kept the gun on Dad, waited until…

Joey’s people must have found Bo.

“Doc, I’m talking to my son. Okay, I’ll hang up now. Myron, I’ll call you later. Don’t worry, I’m fine.”


Myron quickly googled the Shanty Lounge in Havre, Montana. He hit the link and heard the phone ring. Three rings later, someone picked up and said, “Who is this?”

“I’m looking for your bartender Stevie.”

“And I asked, who is this?”

Myron didn’t reply right away.

“We see your phone number on the caller ID. Why is someone with a New Jersey number calling?”

The voice was a deep, rich baritone.

Like Cal the Cowboy’s.

“You’re Cal, right? My name is Myron Bolitar. I was there the other night.”

“You promised we’d be safe.”

Myron’s grip on the phone tightened.

“He even asked you,” Cal continued.

“Am I really safe staying here? Cal and I, we can move on if not.”

“I won’t tell anyone.”

Myron swallowed. “What happened?”

“You sold us out, that’s what happened.”

“Cal, where is Bo?”

“They took him, you son of a bitch. They came in here with guns and took him away.”

When Win arrived, they moved into Myron’s office. Myron closed the door.

“Turant’s people got Bo,” Myron said.

“I have people watching your parents as a precaution,” Win said. “But now that they have Bo, your parents should be safe.”

“What do we do about Bo?”

“Nothing. He isn’t our issue.”

“We revealed where he was.”

“That doesn’t make him our responsibility. For that matter, Greg isn’t our responsibility either. If we have a task in all this—and I’m not sure we do—it is to help PT apprehend a serial killer.”

“So we just, what, wash our hands of it?”

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