Page 105 of Think Twice

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“I remember.”

“He’s gone,” Dad said.

“Oh, Myron?” Mom again. “We just pulled into the urgi-care. I’ll call you later.”

When Mom hung up, Myron realized that his entire body was shaking. He called Win and filled him in on what happened.

“They just suddenly backed off,” Myron said at the end. “I don’t get it.”

“I do.”

“What do you mean?”

“Let me get people on your parents. I’ll be back at the office in fifteen minutes.”

“I thought you were flying down to Philadelphia.”

“I canceled.”


“Fifteen minutes, Myron.”

Win hung up. Myron took his phone and stared at it for a moment as though he were expecting it to ring again.

What now?

He called Terese. She answered on the third ring. “Hey, handsome.”


“What’s going on?”

“I just wanted to hear your voice,” he said.

“Shit, what happened?”

He didn’t reply for a second.

“That bad?”

“Tell me about the story you’re working on.”

“I would say, ‘You first,’ but it seems you need a second.”

Myron couldn’t help but smile. “I love you, you know.”

“I do, yes. Ronald Prine was murdered by a contractor he ripped off. Her name is Jacqueline Newton. Tons of evidence. She swears she’s totally innocent. The only hiccup for the police is that her sick father is confessing.”

“Trying to take the fall for her?”

“Yes,” Terese said.

“Any chance he really did it?”

“I don’t think so, no.” Then Terese added, “We done stalling?”

“They went after my parents.”

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