Page 10 of Think Twice

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“I’m not saying anything of the sort.”

“I sense a ‘but.’”

“But if I were to review his financial decisions with this fresh perspective, I could perhaps conclude that this isn’t the total shock for me that it is for you.”

Win didn’t have to give the details—Myron got the gist.

“So hypothetically,” Myron said, “before Greg ran overseas to, uh, find himself, he may have made some money moves. Opened offshore accounts, transferred assets into less traceable instruments, that kind of thing.”

“If he did,” Win said, “that’s the kind of thing that would remain confidential.”

“So Greg planned this.”



Then Myron said, “Greg never fired us.”

Win closed his eyes.

“If he is alive, he’s still our client.”

Win rubbed the closed eyes.

“You know where I’m going with this?” Myron asked.

“It would be hard not to guess without some form of fresh brain trauma,” Win said. “You want to help him.”

“Want doesn’t matter,” Myron said. “If Greg’s alive, we are obligated to help him.”

“Is this the part where I say, ‘Even if he’s a murderer?’”

“And then I nod sagely and reply, ‘Even if.’ Or maybe ‘Let’s cross that bridge when we get to it.’”

“‘Even if’ is the less hackneyed line,” Win said with a sigh. “Do I need to remind you that this will open a lot of old emotional wounds for you?”

“Not really.”

“Or that you’re not good with handling old emotional wounds.”

“I’m aware.”

“Your destructive ex. Your career-ending injury. Your biological son.”

“I get it, Win.”

“No, my dear friend, you don’t. You never do.” Win sighed, shrugged, slapped his hands on the table. “Okay, fine, let’s do it. The Lone Ranger and Tonto ride again.”

“More like Batman and Robin.”

“Sherlock and Watson.”

“Green Hornet and Kato.”

“Starsky and Hutch.”

“Cagney and Lacey.”

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