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“Honestly, I thought it would be a good way to bury the hatchet with him. I’m a part of this crew whether he likes it or not, Eva.”

She shoved her tray away and crossed her arms. “I just don’t want anyone to get hurt, we need all hands on deck to prepare for winter.”

“Oh, is that it? I thought for a second you actually cared about my well-being.” Krieger grinned as he waited for her reply.

She looked up, a flush of color tainting her cheeks. “I-I care about everyone’s well-being, Krieger.”

“Ahh, yes. But I’m your favorite. Aren’t I?” he asked with a wink.

Her lips twitched at the corners, then turned up into a smile. “My favorite pain in the ass maybe.” He let out a hearty laugh as she stood. “Come on, let’s get to work, the settlement is starting to stir.”

They stood and reached for their trays at the same time, their hands brushing against each other. His heartbeat sped up at the contact, but she dropped the tray as if she had been stung and eased back from the table.


She let out a deep breath and shook her head. “I’m fine, just jumpy is all.”

He let go of the tray and stepped toward her.

“What are you doing?” She gasped as he closed the space between them.

The need to touch her, to be close to her, was overwhelming. He couldn’t remember his life before this, but surely, he had never felt this way before? This girl held a power over him he couldn’t explain. They shared a connection, he felt it. Couldn’t she?

He laid his hands on her shoulders, and her breath quickened as he slid his hands down her arms to lace his fingers with hers. When he pressed his forehead against hers, their eyes locked and he inhaled her sweet lavender scent.

A moment later she squeezed his hand tight, then jerked away from him. Not the reaction he was hoping for.

“Krieger...” Eva looked like a caged animal as she backed away from him. “I-I can’t do this right now.” She looked around the hall, then said, “I’ll meet you at the arena in a few minutes.”

As she turned and walked out of the door, Krieger let out a breath. Would she ever let him in, truly?

He grabbed the trays and set them on the food counter, then made his way to the rope ladder. Once he was on the ground level, he walked over to the training area.

To his surprise, Derek was already there, arranging the weapons they would be going over with the trainees today.

Derek glanced in his direction. “You showed?”

“Why wouldn’t I?”

As Derek set up the last of the weapons, he turned and faced him. “Just to gain points with Eva? Don’t think I haven’t noticed your early morning meetings with her. You and her, man, ain’t never gonna happen.”

Them be fighting words.

Krieger took a step toward him so only inches separated them. “You don’t know her.”

A sneer marred Derek’s face as he laughed. “You don’t even know yourself. You really believe she would have you? You’re a liability. A large child she feels protective over. That’s all.”

Before Krieger could reply, Derek shoved him hard, and a feeling Krieger had never felt before took over him. He swung with his right fist and connected with Derek’s jaw. Derek landed on his back and touched a streak of blood at the corner of his lip.

A second later, Luke and John entered the training area and jogged in their direction. The young trainees followed and approached them, their eyes wide with curiosity.

Luke moved to help Derek stand, but he shook him off. “Leave me!”

Sensing the tension, John approached Krieger and said, “Why don’t you help cut wood today, they need strong guys for that—”

“No, we aren’t finished here.” Derek stood, violence radiating off him. “All right, Krieger, let’s do this.”

Luke stood between them. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. Derek, think of the trainees.”

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