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“Hi, Mr. Torres. Only for a few more weeks.” I lift my hand and cross my fingers.

His long salt-and-pepper hair shifts when he shakes his head. “You have this in the bag, and then you can represent everyone in Willowbrook.”

I smile politely, not telling him that practicing law in Willowbrook isn’t really part of my dream. I want the big cases in a big city where people don’t know my past.

“We need a town lawyer instead of everyone going over to Hickory.”

“Yeah,” I agree, not really wanting to get into this topic.

“Well, have at it. I need to start my restocking. If the book club in the back gets too loud, let me know.” He winks.

“Thanks, Mr. Torres.”

He puts a sign on his desk that says to ring the bell and walks away from his desk, pushing the cart full of books people returned or decided against.

I head to my favorite spot in the corner behind a row of architecture books, hoping no one will see me and I can get some studying in.

I’ve barely begun when the book club discussion in the back grows louder. I lean back in my chair to hear better, and it’s clear they’re definitely not talking about a book. These days, I’m not part of the gossip, but with Ben’s return, I’ve found myself more worried about gossip containing me and Clayton.

“I never thought he’d come back. I thought for sure he’d find some model, marry her, and have kids,” a man says. I think it’s Mr. Schmidt, the town butcher.

“He was dating that one woman, but I heard that crashed and burned. Maybe he can’t commit because he still wants Gillian.” The woman’s voice is laced with hope.

“Oh… do you think he’s here to win her back?” another woman asks.

I roll my eyes. Even if he was, I hate to break it to them, but I’m not game for another round. Of course, they assume that little sweet Gillian, who got her heart broken, would run right back into Ben’s arms.

“This isn’t one of your romance books. Jeez, Louise,” Mr. Schmidt says.

“There’s nothing wrong with romance books. They give hope to us women who have to deal with the likes of men like you.”

I want to raise my fist and cheer for Louise.

“Can we just get back to the book discussion now?” a woman interrupts before Louise and Mr. Schmidt go at it.

“I was merely saying that the man is probably gonna be a Hall of Famer one day. He isn’t going to stick around Willowbrook. This town has never been big enough for him.”

My heart twists and squeezes, hearing the truthful words from Mr. Schmidt. Ben was always destined for more than what this town could offer him.

“Sometimes your heart speaks so loud you give up on things like careers and money,” says a woman who I think is Louise from the city clerk’s office.

“Not as much money as that kid made. Plus, there’s rumors he might be a TV analyst on Sundays,” Mr. Schmidt says.

I heard the same rumors. Ben isn’t a sit-around-and-wait-to-see-what-comes-his-way kind of guy. He’s not going to do nothing. He probably already has his second dream job in mind.

“Money and prestige don’t keep you warm at night,” a new woman’s voice says.

“No one cares about that stuff when you die.” A man this time. “It’s who you are that matters.”

“Can we please get back to the book?” the same woman as before asks.

“We all know he regrets leaving her behind.”

“Louise, Gillian Adams and Ben Noughton are not characters in your romance novel. He left her high and dry. Either she was pregnant with his baby or she cheated.”

My mouth opens at the one rumor I hadn’t heard yet. I cheated? Me? The one who stayed here and pined for him. Not the one who had girls giggling in their room. I push up from the chair about to confront the gossiping book club, but I sit back down.

“Oh, fuck it,” I murmur to myself and stand.

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