Page 26 of The Stones We Cast

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“How was your flight?” Slow and steady always won the race, so I was going to pace our conversation.

Her eyes were always my biggest source of jealousy. As stupid and ridiculous as it sounds, I’m jealous of her eyes. How they expressed every emotion she felt without her having to verbally express. They were still beautiful gems of brown, but cold.

What has life done to my sister?

“It was fine.” Her voice was another envy of mine. A perfect mixture of rasp, softness, and edge. The perfect blend of innocent seduction.

When she spoke, people listened. Men became transfixed as her sweet raspy harmony broke down the hardest of exteriors. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. Heard it with my own ears. I wanted to fight her the first time I witnessed her and Zeek in the same space. She asked ‘How are you feeling’ and that man felt so safe with her that he damn near told her his entire life story in one setting. All stemming from one question.

She had a superpower that I envied. I played it safe by keeping the men I deemed as mine far away from her prowess. They didn’t need to hear her siren voice.

“You can stop looking at me like I’m trying to steal your man, Sunnie.” Damn, was I talking out loud? “You and I both know that if I wanted Zeek, you wouldn’t be sitting here. Get over yourself.” The bite in her tone was flat and annoyed, shocking the hell out of me and making me feel dumber than dumb.

If the blogs and the world thought I was beautiful, then what did that make of my sister?


Elegant beauty with this secret added spice of hood that drives men wild. Aleyah held her own candle. One that held no competition to the next woman because you can’t compete where you can’t compare. There was no comparison when it came to her. I’ll give her that.

“Wow.” I chuckled out my surprised breath. “Girl, why are you giving me so much attitude? I ain’t did shit to you.” I was trying to be nice but she was going to get it all if she kept pissing me off.

Sitting up in her seat, she stared into my soul. The ugly parts of my soul were only created to torture her. Eyes shifting back and forth, narrowing when she found whatever she was looking for. “That’s why I’m here, Sunnie.” She pointed at my heart. “What is it that you need to talk to me about? Why did Zeek invite me here? There’s no reason for me to be here.”

“What happened to you, Aleyah?” I had to ask.

She put up this titanium wall that made it hard to penetrate especially when I wanted in. I wanted the softness of my sister that calmed me down with just a glance. I wanted the joy and peace that radiated off her by the pound.

Where was the Aleyah that I needed?

A soft smile touched her glossed lips. “Life happened, baby sis.” Her long lashes kissed her cheeks as her smile slowly slipped.

Oddly enough, I knew nothing about her life. Never cared enough to know the inner layers. “What’s so bad that you’re walking around with a chip on your shoulder?”

“Is it a chip on my shoulder or are you not used to me being closed off that you’re making false assumptions?” A single brow raised challenging me. “I’m not giving you access to my light, so now you’re pointing blame because you can’t get what you need from me. Hmm, how interesting?”

Ugh. Why did she have to be so complex?

It could never be black and white, but obscure colors.

Be the bigger person, Sunnie.

Changing the subject, I asked, “Why did you move to Chicago? Out of all the places to go, you pick the most random city ever. Did you think it would make you look better than me? Did you think that living in Chicago is better than living in LA? Come on now, Sis. You can’t be that dumb. We aren’t one and the same. You can’t do what I do and expect the same results.” As soon as the words left my mouth I regretted them. Squeezing my eyes shut, I pinched my nose and took several deep breaths. “That’s… that’s not what I meant and it was very mean of me to say and I shouldn’t have stooped so low even though you’ve been gunning for me since you got here.”


She gave me silence and disconnect. Head tilted and those golden Tourmaline brown eyes bound me to my seat. “It always amazes me how the love of a man has the power to kick start the navigation system for accountability. A beautiful mirror showing those hidden flaws paired with the antidote to heal and renew. Cherish that, Sunnie. He’s seeing you at your worst and hasn’t left. Don’t let your pride and ego cause you to lose the blessing God has given you.”

I… I had no words.

Completely shocked and flabbergasted.

She amazed me, yet terrified me.

Ezekiel was the antidote to the mirror she held before me.

Looking around the condo, she settled her gaze on the balcony, watching Zeek talk on the phone. “When I found out his mom passed away, my heart broke for him. Shattered even. Mom and I may have our flaws in the way we love each other, but God knows I’m not prepared for the day He calls her home. Anyway, I volunteered to be whatever my friend needed me to be in his sensitive state. Same as I gave to you when Hillary died. Living in Chicago has taught me a lot of valuable lessons, but the latest one is understanding why people say that death comes in threes.” Her eyes transfixed on me and I gasped.

Was I about to die?

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