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“I… He’s…”

“He knows all your favorite foods. He’s taking such good care of me just because I’m your friend. Maybe it’s just a fun fling for you, but I don’t think it is for him.”

“You don’t?” I asked.

“Nope. Is it for you?”

I thought about Ryrik and all our time together. That first dinner. Our first kiss. First night together. How devoted and trusting he’d been towards me during all the business with Conii.

It became clear that I didn’t want that to all go away now that Conii was dead. I wanted to stay by his side. I wanted him to continue to treat me that way. And I wanted to return the gesture and treat him right, too.


“Then don’t let him go.”

I immediately sprinted from the bedroom. I quickly found Ryrik in the kitchen and I hurried towards him.

“What is it?” he asked. “Is Isa all right?”

“Ryrik,” I said. “I love you.”

He froze. His eyes were locked on me. I don’t think he even breathed anymore at that moment. But I didn’t dare look away from his eyes to check.

“I love you, too.”

I leaped into Ryrik’s arms. He caught me and held me close as our lips pressed together. It felt like nothing before, and I never wanted it to end.


Hearing her whispered confession of love filled me with a sense of joy I never knew existed. I wasn’t sure if she felt the same way, but knowing she did changed everything.

I pulled her into the guest room and closed the door quietly behind me. The moment we were alone, I found myself lost in the depths of her eyes, a river of emotions swirling within them. I felt my heart thudding in my chest like a wild drum, the rhythm resonating with every breath she took.

Delicately, I brushed her hair off her face, marveling at the softness that was present in every aspect of her being. She looked up at me with a soft blush suffusing her cheeks, a gentle rose hue that was only visible under close inspection. Her eyes fluttered shut for a moment as she leaned into my touch, a silent sigh escaping her lips.

Her smile widened at this gesture, reassuring me that this was right. I held her closer than before, wanting to keep this moment suspended in time. It wasn't about lust or desire. It was about cherishing every second we had together.

Deep in the core of my being, I felt an unbreakable connection to her. Like two celestial bodies unwittingly drawn into each other's orbit, we were caught in a gravitational pull that neither of us could defy nor wanted to escape from. Consumed by this profound sense of love, I hugged her tighter, silently promising to keep her safe and cherished.

Slowly, almost reverently, I leaned in to capture her lips with mine. The kiss was soft and sweet, a testament to the love we both felt but never dared to express until now. Pulling away slightly, I brushed a lock of hair away from her face and traced my thumb over her cheekbone.

I undressed her slowly and lowered her onto the bed. I took my time to explore every inch of her, her breath hitching as I teased and tasted her.

Her body responded to mine in a dance as old as time itself, reciprocating every kiss and touch with fervor. She was an exquisite piece of art that deserved nothing but adoration and worship, and I intended to give her just that.

My mouth found her core and I lavished her with my tongue. She gasped sharply, her fingers tangling in my hair as she arched against my touch. The sensation filled the air between us, turning it electric, making my own body throb with anticipation.

I was keenly aware of everything. The soft whimper that escaped her throat, the delicate shiver running through her body, the way she whispered my name in a hushed tone that made my heart pound harder.

The sweet taste of her sent waves of pleasure coursing through my veins, an intoxicating elixir that only served to heighten my desire for her. I circled her clit with my tongue, and she moaned my name, the sound echoing within the confines of our room in a sweet symphony that only I was privy to. Her body bucked and writhed beneath mine, every touch evoking a new response that left me yearning for more.

Her nails grazed my scalp, the sensation making me shiver, my own passion flaring even brighter. I teased at the sensitive bud gently until I felt her shudder beneath me. Her breaths became shaky, a clear sign of the pleasure that my actions gave her.

I dedicated myself solely to her pleasure, each stroke of my tongue designed to lure out the most intoxicating sounds from her. Her legs tightened around me, and she mewled my name louder this time, the sound echoing in the room and settling deep within me.

It felt as if every nerve ending was alight with sensation, every breath I took tasted of her. It was an overwhelming intimacy that swallowed me whole.

My hands traced over her body with an artist’s reverence. Her skin was warm beneath me, flushed with desire and spread out before me like a canvas waiting to be painted. I moved my mouth away from her core and upwards, trailing kisses along her inner thighs, across her stomach, worshiping her body with every touch.

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