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I threw my arms into the air for the inspection. The booth around me turned red, initiating the scan for nano-tech of any kind. I watched the Nazok run the x-ray scanner along my body, but looking up, I saw the tip of my finger barely an inch over the holo-booth.

I grit my teeth as his hands patted me down, ignoring the squeeze of my ass. It wasn’t the first time this particular asshole had made an excuse to grope me. Did that mean he recognized me?

“You’re new here. Pretty cute for a human,” he whispered into my ear. “Come find me sometime.”

An odd sense of relief swept over me. He didn’t know who I was, just had a thing for human girls, no matter who they were.

“Move on,” his partner said as soon as the light on the scanner turned green, and I took advantage of the moment to scamper away.

While I breathed a little easier, I knew the real work had just begun. I thought of the plan I worked on with Ryrik. Step one, enter with the catering staff. Step two, grab something to serve and blend in.

The catering manager stood in the middle of the prep area, ready for us ‘caterers’ to pass out food to the guests. She was a Mondion woman and looked a little confused when her eyes met my face. It was a look many aliens had given me in my lifetime, but I knew I had to work it to my advantage.

“Are you new?” she asked, stopping me with a percomm the size of a clipboard.

“Yes,” I blushed, fiddling with my hair in a mock bimbo voice. “I’m filling in for Tiffany.” It was a long shot, but I’d never worked anywhere that didn’t have a Tiffany.

“That’s right. She called in sick.” I kept my face dumb and ditzy but deep down, I knew the trick would work. “Okay, well, just fill in wherever. It’s pretty basic. Fill glasses. Come back to the kitchen when your tray is empty.”

“Okay, got it.”

“Oh, one thing, though. Downstairs is off-limits. Conii’s orders.”

Bingo. The words off-limits sent bells ringing in my brain. If anywhere nearby housed the good stuff, it would be there. I had to get down there, no matter what.

“New girl,” the manager called to me, holding a silver tray. “Take this out. Follow Sheila, she’ll show you the ropes.”

She shoved the silver tray laden with finger food that made my tummy growl as we stepped through the double doors into Conii’s party. I’d seen the place like this a dozen times before. It was the not-so-secret secret of the Thodos underworld, and I figured it was the best time for me to blend in without being noticed.

The club was full, everyone was there to win big in the off-book poker games Conii illegally housed. I knew it was just a feather in her cap, a way to play tough with the other big players on the station. But it still meant I was in the room with some of the most dangerous people Thodos had to offer.

“Hey, sweet cheeks.” A gruff voice sent chills down my spine as I heard him call in my direction. “Bring some of that over ‘ere!”

I had no idea if he meant the food or me. Steeling my nerves, I stepped into my character.

“Hey, handsome,” I said, presenting the tray. Face to face, I saw he was the short Dargun Ryrik had warned me of. Part of my plan involved a stooge. He was a risk, not a good choice for the next maneuver, but he presented himself first and I had no time to lose.

“What we got here?” he said, light filling his eyes with a menacing glare. As I suspected, he had no interest in the food, which he made clear when he took the tray from me and kissed my neck.

It was gross and slimy, but I’d had worse. “Say, big fella, what about we take this somewhere a little more private?”

He stood back, looking half-serious at me. I needed him to trust me. Not for long, not forever, but just long enough to get me down to Conii’s basement. It was time to do the unthinkable, to commit to this character and dive in.

I grabbed his hand and placed it on my breast. “What are we waiting for?”

It worked like a charm. Drunk on the idea of an easy lay with an attractive human, Simmy walked me toward the back stairs. He led me down to the bottommost landing where a keypad entry stood between us and Conii’s secrets.

He snaked his hands around my waist and into a false sense of security. The second the door opened, I lifted my foot up in the air.

“Help me take my boots off?” I purred.

He pulled the thigh-high boot off with a grunt.

I took it from him.

And when he lowered his head to get the next one, I used the one I had to clock him across the face.

“Fuck me,” were the last words I heard him say as he fell over and passed out.

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