Page 7 of In Spade's

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Even if the room is hella inviting, I didn’t really want the night to end. I could have stayed there on the couch with him all night watching old movies. Or even reruns of old TV shows. I wouldn’t care what we watched as long as we were together.

Maybe Roman is right. Maybe I do need a babysitter.

Despite sleeping well, I still wake up early enough that I beat Spade up. I poke around until I find enough stuff so I can make a decent breakfast for us. By the time he gets up and stumbles into the kitchen I am finishing up with the last of the bacon.

“Hi. I hope it’s alright…

“Uh, hell yeah. You can come cook in my kitchen any fucking time you want. Especially if you are going to make shit like this. Oh my God! That is some HOT pig!”

I laugh as he fans his mouth with his hands and juggles the rest of the strip of meat around his tongue. “Well, it probably has something to do with it just coming from the skillet. Go ahead and sit, I’ll bring everything over to the table.”

I make him a plate before sitting down to eat myself.

“Honey, if you keep this up, you’re going to have to fight me off you.”

His words have me pausing with the fork halfway to my mouth. I know he doesn’t mean it the way he says it, but it still surprises me a little bit. The food piled on my fork chooses that moment to fall…into my lap. “Oh shit!”

I stand and turn with every intention of going for something to help me clean it up but I end up losing my balance and tipping sideways…right into his lap. He wraps his arms around me to keep me from sliding into the floor.

“Yeah, that would be about where I would want you.” He laughs so hard I can feel it kind of move me. “Why don’t you let me help?”

He surprises me again when he stands with me still in his arms. “Oh!” My arms wrap around his shoulders instinctually as I try to hang on.

I end up on the island with him between my legs as he wipes the egg from my shirt. Our heads are bent together as I watch him pull my shirt away from my body and dab at the stain. When we hear the knock on the door, I jerk like I’m guilty of something and hit the tip of his chin with the top of my head.

“Oh, shit! I’m…I’m so sorry. I…I didn’t realize we were…um, so close.”

“Don’t be.” He gives me a soft laugh before surprising me even more by dropping a kiss on my lips. “Thank you for breakfast, beautiful.”

He helps me off the island and steadies me before walking away leaving me confused and shaky. I grab the island to help keep me standing and shut out…everything. If I don’t shut out the compliments, the pet names, and that kiss, I will be a train wreck. Well, a bigger train wreck than I normally am.

Before I can try to walk back over to the table, Kat is coming into the room followed by her man and Spade. She comes rushing over to me and looks me up and down like she might be checking for evidence of what just happened. I can feel my cheeks burning under her gaze and look everywhere but her.

“We heard that you were staying with Spade. I was worried you two didn’t have anything to eat this morning besides take out so we came over to offer to take you out,” she looks at the table and the two half-eaten plates, “but I see we didn’t have to rush over after all.”

She snags a piece of bacon from my plate and pops it into her mouth. “Oh, our girl can cook, Whit.”

She doesn’t wait to be asked and starts opening doors in the kitchen to find where the plates are kept. I help her by grabbing her one and one for Whit too. Spade steps up behind me taking the plates from my hands and reaching over my head for the glasses.

“Gonna have to lower these, aren’t I?”

I stare at him but don’t say anything as he takes everything over to the table for me. The three of them look like they fit here. All of them laughing and happy. They look like a family even if they aren’t related the way one would normally think of a family being.

“Come on, girl. Sit. I won’t bite, I promise. Not even now that all I do is eat. And get moody. And cry. And…shit, just come on over.”

I nod and walk towards her. Before I can take the chair next to hers, Spade takes me by the hand and gently pulls me so I am in between her and him, on the other side of where I was heading. Kat’s eyebrows go up and she stares at me and Spade even more intensely than she was doing before.

“So, what do you have planned for today?”

“Uh, I…I’m not sure.”

“Why don’t we have Bea meet us here and we can all go find some trouble to get into.”

“Trouble?” The word is echoed between Whit and Spade, causing Kat’s lips to twitch up into a smile. She looks over and blows her man a kiss completely unconcerned that she is driving him crazy.

“Calm down, boys. How much trouble can two pregnant women and innocent little Pearl get into?”

“Oh, God!” Whit rolls his eyes. The look of trepidation doesn’t leave Spade’s face as Kat finishes breakfast and asks me to show her my room. What she has planned I couldn’t guess but I can tell how it’s going to end…in trouble just like she said it would.

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