Page 2 of In Spade's

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“Is she…?”

“The tiny strawberry blonde sitting with them? Yeah. She looks happy, right?”

Well fuck! It can be and it is.

The woman who caught my attention from half a rink away is, in fact, my teammate’s kid sister, which puts her firmly and equivocally out of bounds. All the good ones are either with my best friends or sisters to my best friends.

I really have to get out more. Meet more people. Find more women. But how the hell do I do that when all I want to do with my downtime is to spend it with people who are important to me? People that are sweet and kind and just decent human beings are hard to find in this world and I just can’t make myself hang around those people who aren’t that way. And maybe there’s a place people like that go to hang out but I haven’t found it yet. Every time I go to places like clubs or bars, all I get is disgusted and slightly buzzed.

My best friend, Whit, met his chick by complete accident and…now that I think about it, Bear, his soon-to-be brother-in-law, actually met his wife through Kat, Whit’s girl, too. I look over at where Whit and Kat are cuddling before my man takes to the ice. Maybe it’s Kat who I need to talk to…or stand next to since she seems to be the one showing up in everybody’s love stories.

I watch as she and Bea gather around the sweet strawberry blonde. She’s slightly taller than Bea but not quite as tall as Kat, at least that’s what it looks like from here. They’re all short little things no matter how you look at them. I wonder if she packs the same punch the other two do. Sweet and spicy like the color of her hair.


I’ve got to stop. I can’t even be thinking this way. I double down and put all my focus on the game…mostly. Yeah, I might be a little more aggressive and I might spend a little more time in the penalty box where I can be closer to the person I’m not supposed to be close to, but at least I’m not a drooling moron eye fucking her any longer. Mostly.

I hit the shower and try to figure out if I’m going to the restaurant with everyone after since I am pretty sure she is going to be there. And I am most likely going to act like a stooge in front of her even if she doesn’t notice. I am about to make my exit when I hear my name called out.

When I look up, I see Kat and Bea bearing down on me from the seats. This isn’t going to be good.

“Spade! Spade, don’t leave yet.” The two women try to reach me as fast as they can but they aren’t moving very speedily since both of them have babies on board. Growing a tiny human takes a lot out of them so I don’t make them come all the way to me. I put in the steps to meet them halfway.

“Spade, have you met Roman’s sister yet? Pearl, come meet Spade.”

I put out my hand to shake hers when she loses her balance and I end up with a whole hand full of soft tit. I slide my hand away from her breast which has all but burned the palm of my hand but don’t let her fall like some monster. Instead, I right her and wait for her to find her balance.

“Oh my gosh! I’m…I’m so sorry. I…”

“No worries. Typically, I like having women flinging themselves at me but I’m pretty sure your brother would kill me, skin my dead carcass, and set it on fire.”

“That’s…” I wait for her to say something about it being so gross, or too much, or sick, “so Roman.”

She giggles and the sound hits me like a punch in the balls.

“You guys must be really good friends, huh?”

“I like to think so. Spade Davenport. Nice to meet you.”

“I’m, um, Pearl.”

Chapter Three


I can feel the heat hit my cheeks and want to fling myself from something a lot higher than the seats we just sat in. God, how can I be so fucking awkward? Not only did I fall on him before he even knew my name, but now he thinks I barely remember that name.

I open my mouth to drive the death nail in. He already knows I’m a hot mess hurtling towards an accident waiting to happen, it’s not going to hurt taking it all the way and showing him what a geek I am too.

“Your name is Spade? Like the detective Sam Spade in The Maltese Falcon? Were you named after the character?”

“Uh, no. I can’t say I was. Given what I know about my birth mom it was probably due to a gambling addiction.”

I lose the smile on my face and stare blankly at the hot man in front of me. Yep, the plane is on fire and going down. No, it’s not just on fire. I’m pretty sure it blew up before it ever even took the fuck off.

Way to go stupid. You just brought up something I’m sure this man didn’t want to have dredged up and did it in front of all his friends.

“You’ll have to excuse me, I have social Tourette’s. If it’s the wrong thing to say I’ll say it. Although there’s nothing wrong with Tourette’s, that isn’t what I’m trying to say. I…I’m going to be quiet now.”

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