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But I’m the one who bound him to that chair, so I reach down and slip a finger into my wet heat. The insides of my thighs are sticky with my juices, and more of me is dripping onto the covers. I don’t remember ever being this wet.

An agonized groan rumbles from the corner. Dimitri has an unobstructed view of my splayed legs, and his jaw clenches with restraint as I explore my channel.

Adding another finger, I work my swollen nub with my thumb as I pump my fingers in and out. I mimic his movements from earlier, stretching my walls in preparation for his cock as I remember the feeling of his tongue scraping over my clit.

My whole body shudders, and Dimitri lets out a long slow breath, the tension in his brow easing slightly as he follows my every stroke. And suddenly, I’m not sure if I’m touching myself for my pleasure or his. All boundaries between us seem to dissolve, and I can practically feel his rough hands roving over my body.

Even with Dimitri bound ten feet away, it’s the most intimate moment of my life.

Slowly, I withdraw my fingers and slide them up to my throbbing clit. My breasts heave. I’m teetering on the very edge, and in my imagination, it’s Dimitri’s fingers drawing every ounce of pleasure from my body.

I squeeze my eyes shut as the orgasm ricochets through me, and a soft cry tears from my lips. A loud crack makes my eyes fly open, but Dimitri is no longer bound in the corner.

I have less than half a second to register the splintered arms of the chair and the curled leather belts still fastened around the wood before Dimitri is in front of me.

Holy shit. Did he just —

His body blurs as he rips his pants off, though that’s probably just my imagination.

In the next breath, I’m staring down at the length of his cock, which is pointed straight at me. Dimitri’s eyes are two chips of gold, his body practically humming with power.

A shiver of pleasure rolls through me as he climbs onto the bed, caging me in with his arms. His lips are hot as they clamp down over mine, and I grip the back of his head to pull him even closer.

We attack each other with tongues and teeth — both of us greedy and ravenous. Then Dimitri thrusts both hands in my hair, and I sigh as his masculine weight sinks over me.

“Don’t — do that — to me — again.” His words are short growls against my mouth, and a fresh gush of cream spills out of me.

“It was your idea.”

“A very bad idea,” he rumbles, reaching down to cup my mound and running his thumb along my slit. “I need to be able to touch you.”

I lift a shoulder in a faux-nonchalant shrug, though my voice comes out thin and hoarse. “You seemed to be enjoying yourself.”

But Dimitri is wearing a predatory expression that I haven’t seen before. It sends a chill down my spine, but my foolish body only becomes more aroused. I tilt my hips automatically, chasing the sweet friction of his fingers.

There’s no controlling it. I need him to touch me — need to feel every inch of him inside me.

“When I’m through with you,” Dimitri murmurs, “you won’t be able to touch yourself ever again without thinking of me.”

I suck in a breath automatically, but I can’t seem to fill my lungs. He is so fucking full of himself, but it’s probably true.

Before I can tell him so, Dimitri smashes his mouth over mine. His greedy hands pry my legs apart, and I feel the tip of him pressing at my entrance. And fuck, he’s huge.

Immediately, I’m second-guessing all my smart-ass comments and wondering if there will be anything left once Dimitri gets through with me.

Despite my wetness, there’s a surge of fiery sensation as Dimitri plunges into me, and I gasp against his mouth. It isn’t pain — not exactly — but it overwhelms me nonetheless.

Dimitri pulls back to watch my face, and as soon as I manage to catch my breath, he rams all the way in. I cry out as his cock hits the end of me, filling every place I was empty inside.

Fuck, he feels good — and yet he shouldn’t. His cock is too much. He’s too much. And yet he’s everything I need.

“Look at me,” he rumbles, and I realize I have my eyes squeezed shut against the intensity of sensation.

I open them and slowly meet his gaze, staring into those swirling amber depths. They’re full of a raw unbridled need, but there’s also tenderness and concern.

“Did I hurt you?” he croaks.

I shake my head. “Don’t stop.”

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