Page 33 of Cross My Heart

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Aiden ran a hand through his hair. “There’s no windows down here, so we can’t open it up.”

“Maybe we should use air cleaner or dehumidifiers.”

Aiden pulled out his phone. “I’ll order some online. We don’t want it to be musty down here.”

For the rest of the morning, we worked together, sucking up as much of the dust as we could.

When we paused to stretch our backs, Aiden said, “I have no idea how we’re going to salvage these curtains.”

They had holes in them and were heavy with dust and mildew.

“I’ll look online to see if there’s someone who restores things like this.”

“In the meantime, I’m going to grab us some food from the kitchen.”

I tucked my phone into my back pocket. “A sandwich would be great right now.”

“I make a mean sandwich.”

I laughed. “I bet you do. You’re not cocky at all, are you?”

“I’m afraid that’s something I picked up in the military, but I prefer confident.”

I assessed him. He usually held his body rigid as if he was worried about a commanding officer showing up at any second, but he’d slowly relaxed during our time in the theater. I think it was the same reason he’d pulled me into a hug.

He felt closer to his younger self here. Spending time together was conjuring up old memories and feelings of nostalgia. That’s all this was. I’d be foolish to think it was anything else.

In the kitchen, Aiden poured me blueberry lemonade from a pitcher in the fridge. “We usually keep water in the lobby during the summer season.”

“This is lovely. Especially after being around so much dust. I need a long shower.”

Aiden winked at me. “I could join you.”

Then he got to work making cold meat subs for us. He put both on plates, cut up an apple, and threw a few chips on the side.

“This is great, Aiden. Thank you for feeding me.”

He sat next to me. “You’re helping me.”

My lips twitched. “I keep saying this, but I’m not going to want to leave.”

His brow furrowed. “Would you? I thought you wanted to stay here versus your family’s home.”

“I’d prefer to avoid the memories. But Daphne’s living with Cole now. I could move into her cottage.” But if I did that, I might want to stay. I’d get too settled. I’d fall in love with the quiet, the slower way of life, and seeing my family all the time.

“Is that what you want?” Aiden said, waiting for my answer.

“I don’t know what I want anymore. I have to go back to my job in a few weeks. I was hoping to find some clarity. That the right thing to do would just hit me. But so far there’s been nothing.”

“I don’t think you can rush these things. I’ve been home for almost a year, and I don’t know what I want. I enjoy working at the inn, but I also like to work with my hands.”

“You want to do more jobs for Heath,” I said as I drank the cool lemonade.

“I just can’t fit it in.”

“Here’s hoping we both get some answers soon.” Because I wasn’t any closer to that than when I came home.


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