Page 30 of Cross My Heart

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Marley laughed. “That was easy.”

Aiden waved off the coffee. “You’re interrupting my morning run. Let’s get started.”

“Someone’s cranky this morning,” Heath teased as he led the way around the theater. Occasionally, Marley or I would mention what we loved about the space, what we wanted to keep, and what we could do without.

It was exhilarating to be working on a project like this. It’s what I’d always dreamed of doing, creating a unique space that guests could enjoy.

Instead, I was stuck working with a large hotel chain that was cookie-cutter in its design and its management style. They weren’t open to new ideas. In fact, the consensus seemed to be that we should look like every other hotel. It was frowned upon to be distinct. But it went against every one of my marketing instincts.

Treasures like this theater kept people talking about your business for years to come, and I had a feeling the local papers would do an article on the renovation.

“I’ll write up an estimate but think about what you’re willing to spend on something like this. It’s a nice add-on, but we’re not talking about more rooms to rent. You’re not going to make a lot of money from the theater even if you charge for tickets.”

Marley frowned. “This will draw people in and keep guests talking. They’ll always remember that inn that had a bowling alley or a theater in the basement.”

I nodded. “It’s unique things that make the best impression. Not looking like everyone else.”

“We have the original paintings upstairs, the gardens outside, and the historic feel of this place. But I can’t help but think we need to bring this back to life,” Aiden said.

My gaze moved from Marley to Aiden. There was emotion under Aiden’s stoic expression. This theater meant something to him and their family. They wanted to bring their grandmother’s legacy back, and I wanted to help them with it. I’d love to see the project through in its entirety, but it wasn’t possible.

“We appreciate you taking the time to look at it and write up an estimate,” Aiden said to Heath.

Marley wrapped a hand around Heath’s arm. “I think Gram would love that we’re doing this. She’d want to see people enjoying the theater again. Closing this space and eventually the inn was her greatest regret.”

“I have to agree,” Aiden said.

It was the perfect project for me to see if this was something I wanted to do going forward. Would I enjoy it, or would it be too personal? It felt like we were uncovering a treasure, making it shiny and new again. It gave me hope that there was a possibility for me and Aiden. But he’d never said he was interested in rekindling the past.

“Let me walk you out,” Aiden offered.

Heath paused to kiss Marley. Then he and Aiden left the room.

Marley moved closer to me. “When Aiden lets me help, money isn’t an issue.”

I smiled. “I love when there’s no cap on spending.”

Marley held up her hand. “I think it would be a travesty to put the dust covers back on and close the doors. This place was meant to be enjoyed.”

“It would be an experience for sure.”

“You really think people will appreciate the history of this place, sit in these smaller velvet chairs versus the recliners at the new theaters?”

“I think so. Especially if you’re a guest at the inn. You came here for this experience. A historic inn outside of town next to a Christmas tree farm. You can capitalize on all those aspects when you’re marketing. I have a feeling this theater will be spoken about and pictured in reviews.”

“I think you’re right. I got tingles when you talked about it. Everything in my body is telling me to go for it,” Marley gushed, and her energy was inspiring.

“You don’t think we should wait to decide until Heath provides the estimate?”

Marley shook her head. “Aiden won’t like it, but I want to personally finance the renovation of the basement.”

“What won’t I like?” Aiden asked, returning to the room.

Marley rolled her eyes. “This is something I want to do.”

“We have to look at the estimate and see if it’s possible. You know we’re tight right now. We only just reopened, and we aren’t booked solid yet.”

Marley moved toward the stage where she lifted herself on it to sit. “This will bring people in. It will create a buzz. It’s the perfect marketing tool.”

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