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I watched as she hid herself under the covers. She shifted around for a few quick seconds, getting comfortable in my bed. The faint noise of vibrations started, and she… Oh god. Little squeaks and moans made their way through the fabric of the sheets, tickling my ears.

She’s not. She wouldn’t.

My head swirled. I stood from my seat, ripping my belt from its loops as I approached her. When I peeled the covers back, I found her face up and fully dressed, moaning at nothing, holding the vibrator to one side. She laughed in my face like a little fucking brat, and my good sense slipped away entirely. I snapped her wrists in my hands, the toy falling to the mattress beside her. In an instant, I had her tied in my leather belt, hands joined, strapped to the black, metal frame of my bed.

“Jonah!” She squirmed, shocked by the bind she found herself in. Her arms lifted above her head, fingers wiggling, wrists turning, but to no avail. She was trapped. She looked so pretty like that.

I picked up the vibrator and turned it off, leaning over my pretty girl. “Try to touch yourself now.”

“That’s not funny, you asshole!”

I smiled. “You could have gone to the bathroom. You could have gone to Oli and June’s room for all I fucking care.”

“I wanted to do it here.” She flashed me a full grin, cocking her head and sweetening those wide eyes for me.

I leaned down further, bracing my hands on the bed to murmur in her perfect, studded ear. “If you want to get off in my bed so badly, I will turn this piece of crap back on, put it right on that little clit, zip your jeans so it doesn’t budge, and I will leave you here alone, tied up, screaming for as long as I see fit.”

She gasped. “Now it seems like you do want me to do it here.” Of fucking course, I did. I wanted her to do it everywhere. All over my sheets, my pillows, my face. Wherever the fuck she wanted. My sanity be damned. “June only showed me that thing because she thought I’d like it. I prefer you do it, though.”

I placed my face in front of hers and ran a thumb over her bottom lip, momentarily considering it. Fuck, she felt so soft. And she couldn’t have been clearer. She wanted me. She really did.

She only prefers I do it because she trusts me. She just needs a play thing to explore before she moves on.

A hard swallow brought me back to reality. “Now you get neither.”

I moved quickly to drop the toy in the drawer of my nightstand, right next to her. Poor thing. So out of reach. I then sat back down in my chair and turned to my computer, placing my headphones over my ears and turning the volume on high.



Maybe if I move my hips around, my jeans will rub me the right way.

No, fuck. That doesn’t help the situation, you slut.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I kicked one foot frustratedly, attempting to get the attention of the major, humongous, shithead-asshole sitting in front of me with those stupid fucking headphones on.

No reaction. Obviously.

I reached my toes as far as I possibly could, channeling all the information I learned in ballet class as a child. Elongate, extend, think of energy shooting out of your feet that surpasses your own extremities. I pointed my toe as far as I possibly could, desperately trying to make contact with the ass-hat’s shoulder.



On the desk arose my saving grace after hardly two full minutes of torture. My phone, which sat next to Jonah’s keyboard, lit up with a call. Jonah slid the headphones off his head and picked it up as he spun around, staring me down as he answered like some sort of evil villain. Fuck, he was a hot villain.

“Hi, June… She’s a little busy right now…”

“June! Jonah is depriving me! Tell him to get a fucking grip!”

Faint sounds of June’s voice came through the line.

“She’s strapped to my bed frame, if you must know… My belt… Because she’s being a brat. Why did you call, June?”

More faint noises I couldn’t make out.

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