Page 106 of That Bubbling Feeling

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My beautiful girl shivered so intensely I thought she might pass out. Perhaps I should’ve given her a break, but my body wouldn’t let me. My head fogged with a lust that disconnected my sanity from my being and threw it right out the window. I had been waiting far too long for this to give out now.

Just moments ago, she was screaming so fucking loud for me. It filled me with a sensation I couldn’t possibly begin to explain. To see her enjoy, to see her open up to me, to see her so free and unbound… My beautiful girl. My whole world. Fuck, I wanted to hear her again. I wanted to hear her forever. I wanted to blast those cries on my headphones and walk around with them all fucking day.

She clung to me the entire time we fucked like she was holding on for dear life as she trusted me to take her. As if she were keeping me close while she walked through the unknown for the first time. I would go anywhere with her, do anything to see her luxuriate in pleasure so wildly. My release be damned, this was all for her.

I trailed my fingers over her back softly as she lay face down on the bed.

“Why aren’t you finishing?” she asked into the sheets. “Is it terrible for you?”

I laughed aloud. Silly girl. “It’s taking everything in me not to. Believe me. I’ve spent an obscene amount of time touching myself lately.”

“Oh, fuck,” she whispered, her body squirming, her hips lifting slightly to rub herself by pressing her own thighs inward. “That’s so hot.”

I leaned down and kissed her cheek, speaking into her ear. “That I’m such a sad loser I had to jerk off before hooking up with you just to make sure I could last?”

“Yes.” She exhaled deeply as she spoke. “I love the desperation. You’re just as obsessed as I am.”

“I’ve had to touch myself before you got into my bed to sleep as friends, let alone to fuck me.”

“You.” She turned herself up to face me. “You’ve touched yourself and then let me get into bed with you?” I just held her by the chin and grinned. “Oh, you fucking loser. Tell me what you thought about.”

Desire burned in her eyes. My wild girl seemed to love how pathetic I was. And thank god for it, because I was. Quite.

“What do you think?” I dragged my lips over her skin as I spoke. “I thought about you. I always think about you. The way you laugh, and that face of yours. I’ve been dreaming about you. About getting you undressed in our room, fucking you on the futon, kissing you in the shower.”

Her eyes expanded wickedly. “It’s my turn,” she said, shooting herself up and pushing me onto my back. She sat down on top of me, letting me fill her completely, the position already doing crazy things to my insides.

“Oh my god.” I jutted my thumbs into the creases of her hips. Her beautiful figure was on full display above me, all mine to observe and honor. “I’ve imagined you in this exact position so many fucking times.”

“You’ve had me in many others already.”

“And you’ve been breathtaking in all of them. But this one…” We were done fucking for the time being. This was something much deeper. She was no longer the brat who snapped at me in Briggs’ bathroom, nor the minx who threatened to touch herself in my bed. She was an absolute angel. The embodiment of all that is good and cherished in my heart.

She began to bob up and down on me. Those beautiful fucking sounds she made as she did so were like a fucking symphony. They were my own personal fucking symphony. Better than any song I’d written, than any feature I’d done. Immediately, I was returned to a state of rapture as she pushed down, grinding on me slowly. The image of her on top of me was simply too much. My vision bowed in and out as my eyes fluttered, my ears swallowing the way her pleasure made her squeak.

I dragged her with me to the head of the bed, sitting up against the headboard so I could be closer to her. She submitted to the pleasure, and I saw in her rolled eyes just how much she loved me. She ran her fingers over my cheekbone, then my jaw, and my lips, staring at me with such innocent desire I practically melted. Her hair fell around her face and shoulders, trailing all the way to her hips. I pushed it behind her back to get a better view of the lines and curves that made up her body. It was simply impossible to take my eyes off her.

“I don’t understand,” she said, “how one person can be so fucking beautiful. God, I could come just looking at you.” I groaned. This incredible creature knew exactly how to destroy me, and she took the words right out of my mouth. She leaned into my ear, cradling my head in her hand. “You are the only person who can see me this way,” she whispered, “who can have me this way.” She bit my ear softly. “I love you, Jonah.”

“Say it again,” I begged.

“I love you, Jonah.”

I whimpered, her soft skin enveloping my body as she rode out the last bit of sanity that remained inside me. Finally, I relinquished all control. Everything I felt from the last decade and more spilled out of me to let her know just how much I fucking loved her. I held her tight as we both shook together, blinding pleasure knocking my senses for fuck knows how long.



We lay breathless on the bed, facing each other. I let my eyes trail over every single feature, every modicum of beauty in this divine human, and I saw my entire life. Everything I’d ever been, was, and would be existed in the space between us as I ran my thumb softly over his lip and then his cheek. An inch of air was all that separated us, and it contained everything I’d ever need. All in one place.

Realizing I could never fall too far again with this dreamlike foundation holding me up, I wrapped myself in Jonah, nuzzling my head into the divot between his neck and shoulders, hardly able to keep myself awake.

“Watching you finish was the best thing ever,” I mumbled into his body. He only chuckled. “I’m serious. And your fucking voice. I just… Ugh.”

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