Page 7 of Thawing the CEO

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Vivian didn’t comment on that last part but she felt it was a strange thing to say. “You will be a valued employee at Sterling Enterprises, and I’ll do everything I can to make sure you’re happy here.”

Emma left, throwing a glowing smile over her shoulder at Vivian as she left. Did she have to be so attractive and nice? She evoked feelings in Vivian that she hadn’t had to battle with for quite some time.

She had long ago decided that sex wasn’t worth the drama. Even one-night stands were not entirely free of complications. As much as Vivian had enjoyed the sex she’d had, she had learned to live without it, along with the lack of human companionship.

Emma Williams was awakening something within her that threatened to break that boundary. Just thinking of her made Vivian wonder if her breasts were as big and round as they looked under that button-up blouse she’d been wearing. Vivian wished that Emma could have left just a few more buttons undone, given her a little bit of a better look…

Of course, that was an entirely inappropriate thought to have about her newest employee. If Vivian did decide to change her mind on the sex things, she certainly couldn’t do it with Emma, not when Emma may feel compelled to say yes for the sake of her job.

She couldn’t help imagining it, though.

No. Nope, she was not going down that road. Emma was off limits. She would simply have to deal with that.

Perhaps even worse than her blatant sexiness, Emma seemed like a truly wonderful person. Vivian was sorely tempted to get to know her better outside of a work setting, something she hadn’t felt the stirrings of with anyone in many years now.

That was what was truly dangerous. She could resist the workplace sex—Vivian was no predator—but the longing for simple friendship? That was harder to ignore. She reminded herself sternly of all the reasons she did this. She didn’t know why Emma threatened her walls in this way, but she would simply have to harden herself against Emma’s bright presence.

It wasn’t like she could avoid her—they would be working closely from now on. Vivian would simply have to learn to become immune. It was a skill she had perfected with most people. She just had to do the same thing with Emma.

Really, how hard could it be?

“Come in,” Vivian called to a knock on her door. As she suspected, it was Emma. This was Emma’s first day on her own, Jane having left for Spain the previous evening, after a spectacular farewell party at work. Emma had understandably had a lot of questions. It sometimes took a little longer to explain things to her, but once she understood something, Emma didn’t forget it.

She may call herself a slow learner, probably because of the extra explaining she required, but the fact that she retained what she had learned, therefore not necessitating that it be explained again, more than made up for it. She was actually one of the quicker learners Vivian had taught, all things considered, and Vivian told her that.

She was surprised to see Emma carrying a tray loaded with food. “Did you lose your way to the cafeteria?”

Vivian was already pulling out a spare copy of the map Jane had given Emma, but Emma shook her head.

“No, I just came from there. I just thought I’d bring us lunch.”

Vivian gaped stupidly at her. “What?”

“Lunch. You know. Food. To eat.”

Vivian was still staring. Why would Emma bring her food when she could be hanging out with any number of friendly and welcoming colleagues in the cafeteria?

“Um. Thank you, but I’m not hungry.”

“Come on, Vivian, you do want to disprove the rumor that you’re actually a vampire, don’t you?”

“There is no such rumor!” Vivian spluttered indignantly.

Emma laughed. “No, there’s not, but now you have me wondering. I think you’d better get eating and prove my worst fears false.”

It was difficult not to go along with her. She was just so bubbly and nice, trying to make her cold, indifferent boss laugh for who knew what reason.

“Thank you for the food. You can just leave it here.”

“Yeah, right. I made the effort to bring it here, the least you can do is share it with me.”

Vivian stared in amazement as Emma bounced over and sat down opposite her, putting the plate of food between them and popping a grape into her mouth.

Vivian was so stunned that she couldn’t even summon the presence of mind to tell Emma to get out of her office. She had never encountered anyone who simply refused to accept her cold attitude and refusal to participate in social activities.

“Are you sure you’re not a vampire?” Emma teased.

“Vampire this,” Vivian muttered, grabbing a chocolate chip muffin and taking a huge bite out of it. Now that she’d started, it seemed silly to send Emma away. She was hungry, and Emma had brought a wide selection of food.

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