Page 38 of Thawing the CEO

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Vivian started to edge toward the latter sooner than Emma would have expected. She could tell by the way Vivian’s legs started to tremble and how she clenched her toes into the sheet.

She quickly gave Vivian a firmer pressure with her tongue. It didn’t take much. Less than a minute later, Vivian was tensing and quivering under Emma, crying out as she came. She shuddered through an orgasm longer than any Emma had ever seen her have before finally going limp.

Emma folded herself back into Vivian’s arms. Their legs were tangled together and somewhere along the line, they had lost one of the pillows on the double bed—it was now lying on the floor, well out of reach. Emma let Vivian have the remaining pillow and rested her head on Vivian’s shoulder instead.

“I love you,” Emma murmured.

She tensed for a moment, hit by the sudden fear that history was going to repeat itself.

She needn’t have worried.

“Love you too.” Vivian kissed her cheek. “Goodnight, Emma.”

Emma let out a long breath. “Goodnight, Vivian.”

They fell asleep together that night. It was the first night of the rest of their lives together.



“Ruby, we really do need to go.”

“Yeah, yeah, I get it. You’re always cranky at work if you don’t get your special time with your wife. You know, it’s a good thing you rescinded that rule about no office romance.”

Vivian felt herself going red, but Emma merely rolled her eyes. “Laugh it up, Ruby. I don’t see you getting any.”

Ruby spluttered over her glass of champagne. “You’d best watch out, Emma. I was Vivian’s personal assistant first. Maybe I’ll decide that I want to work for her exclusively.”

“If it doesn’t work out with you helping both of us, I’ll be happy to get my own assistant.”

Ruby pouted. “You’re no fun.”

“Well, I’ve just been promoted to vice CEO of Sterling Enterprises. It’s a big job. Perhaps I’ll need to focus more on work and less on entertaining you people.”

There were chuckles all around. Almost everyone in the office was here, as well as all of Emma and Vivian’s other friends, most of whom were parents at Lily’s school.

Everyone had wanted to be here at the celebration party for Emma’s promotion.

“Come on. Let’s go home.” Vivian’s soft murmur was for Emma alone. Emma took her hand and squeezed it gently before disengaging.

“Goodnight, everyone! We’ll see you on Monday.”

There was a chorus of goodbyes, after which Vivian and Emma were free to leave.

Lily had dozed off watching TV. Vivian wanted to carry her to bed, but Lily had recently been protesting to such treatment, insisting that she wasn’t a child anymore. She was set to start high school next week.

“Lily. You can’t sleep here, sweetheart, you’ll hurt your neck. Time to go to bed.” Vivian shook her gently.

Lily yawned and opened her eyes blearily. “Hi, Mom.”

“Hi. It’s time for bed.”

Lily nodded without protest, only half awake. She wandered through to her bedroom and closed the door.

“Well, that was easy,” Emma commented. “She always goes to bed easier when it’s you asking.”

“Yeah, but she always does her homework easier when it’s you asking.”

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