Page 13 of Thawing the CEO

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She got dressed and winked at Vivian, who was still standing in the center of the room with her arms at her sides. She looked shellshocked.

Uncertainty crept into Emma’s mind. It had been good for her. She had thought Vivian was enjoying herself, but what if she hadn’t been?

“Vivian? Did you… Was that good?”

Vivian’s eyes focused on her. “It was… well, it was fucking life-changing, Emma. The things you can do with your tongue…”

Emma grinned. That was exactly what she needed to hear. “Me too. Anyway, I’d best get back to work. See you later.”

She left, bouncing on the balls of her feet as she went to her desk.

This was more than she had hoped for at this stage, even in her most optimistic fantasies. She had hoped that Vivian would start to warm toward her. Emma hadn’t imagined that she would thaw to this extent so quickly, but she was more than pleased about it. She was absolutely delighted.

Her mind was already racing ahead, wondering if Vivian would come on a date with her. Was it too soon to ask? Maybe Vivian needed some time to process the sex first. They could talk more tonight. Lily had picked the perfect night to ask for a sleepover with Miriam. Emma and Vivian could talk after work and figure things out.

Emma didn’t see Vivian for the rest of the day, which was odd. They usually worked closely together, but whenever Emma went to Vivian’s office to check something or the other, Vivian either wasn’t there, or had the door closed, which she did only when she was busy and couldn’t be disturbed.

She responded readily enough to Emma’s emails, though, so Emma was able to get through her work well enough.

At five o’clock, Emma hurried down the street to Vivian’s favorite takeout place and ordered her and Vivian’s usuals. She went back to Vivian’s office door and knocked.

There was no answer.


No reply.

Emma hesitantly opened the door. The office was empty, the desk in perfect order. No one was here.

Emma frowned. Since when had Vivian ever not worked late?

She dialed Vivian’s number and waited as it rang. Just when Emma had started to think that Vivian wasn’t going to pick up, she finally did.

“Hello, Emma.”

Emma was taken aback by her voice. It was cool and remote, even more so than it had been on her first day here.

“Hi, Vivian. Where are you? I brought us dinner.”

“I’m so sorry, Emma. I should have told you. I left work early. I’m at home now.”

“Oh. Well, I guess I could bring the food to you. What’s your address?”

“I’m afraid I’ve already eaten. I’m tired and I think I’m going to get an early night. I’m sorry for the inconvenience. I’ll see you tomorrow, Emma.”

With that, Vivian hung up.

Emma stared at her phone screen.

What was going on? Did Vivian regret what they had done? She had certainly seemed to enjoy it at the time. Perhaps she’d changed her mind.

Emma needed to talk to her. She was sure they could work this out. This thing between them was new and fragile, but Emma felt sure that given time and care, it could grow into something truly beautiful.

So, the next day, she got in early and waited outside Vivian’s office. Vivian had to come in here eventually. Emma was her assistant, and Vivian couldn’t avoid her forever.

Sure enough, Vivian arrived at her office twenty minutes later. Her face became guarded the moment she saw Emma.

“Emma, did you need something?”

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