Page 1 of Thawing the CEO

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“I’m heading out. You all have fun.”

“Come on, Ice Queen,” Jane teased. “Join us—have some fun for once.”

Vivian Sterling just laughed. “Maybe next time. You guys enjoy yourselves.”

A couple of her employees laughed along with her. Everyone knew that Vivian wouldn’t be joining them the next time. She was flattered that they liked her enough to keep trying to include her. Most people would jump at a chance to socialize during work time without their boss present—to be able to complain and gossip without her watching.

However, Vivian had worked for years to foster an environment where complaints were brought directly to her, and she did everything within her power to resolve them quickly. Happy employees meant a well-run business, and Vivian ran a fantastic business.

Vivian went home with a familiar sinking feeling in her stomach. This was the worst time of day—coming home alone, knowing that it was a full twelve hours before she could get up and start getting ready for work again.

She was almost at the elevator when Jane caught up with her.

“Vivian, wait.”

Vivian braced herself for more attempts to convince her to join the party, but thankfully that wasn’t what was on Jane’s mind. “You didn’t take any cake.” Jane handed her a napkin with a generous slice of chocolate cake wrapped inside. “You went to all the effort of having the bakery make such a fantastic cake for us. The least you can do is enjoy some of it.”

Jane did have a good point. She wasn’t going to risk staying for the party but taking a slice of cake home seemed safe enough.

“Thanks, Jane.” Vivian took the cake, holding it carefully so that she didn’t squash it. “You go enjoy the party now—you deserve it.”

“So do you. I know it was a team effort, but we never would have landed that investor if not for your leadership. If you’re not going to join us, I hope you’ll at least celebrate at home.”

“Don’t you worry about me. You just focus on having a good time. You’ve all worked hard on this deal, and you deserve a break.”

“Thanks, Vivian. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

Vivian went to her car, putting the cake on the seat beside her before tossing her purse onto the back seat. She was dreading this evening in particular because she had let everyone finish two hours early to make time for the party. It was only three o’clock.

Fortunately, she had come prepared with a folder of paperwork she could do. It was the kind of thing Jane would usually handle, but Vivian needed to pass the time, and it never hurt to take some of the load off her assistant’s hardworking back.

Vivian was greeted at the door by a familiar meow.

“Hello, Smudges. Who’s a pretty kitty? Yes, you are. You are.”

Vivian reached down to pick him up, kissing his little nose as he purred contentedly. She didn’t need people in her life as long as she had Smudges. He was enough to fill the void within her, at least for the most part.

Cats were safer than people. People always came with drama that was bound to reflect back on her business when it blew up. Vivian had seen good businesses fail because their CEOs got emotional or unstable because of personal issues.

She wasn’t going to let that happen to her. Sterling Enterprises was everything to her. She’d built it from the ground up, just like her father had done with his business. Vivian came from a family of entrepreneurs and seemed to have inherited the family talent.

Sacrificing a personal life in favor of her business was a trade-off Vivian willingly made. And if it caused her chest to ache on days like today… Well, she was probably just fighting off some kind of chest infection.

Smudges meowed again, bringing her out of her thoughts.

“Yes, I know you’re hungry. Did you see, I’ve got cake? But none for you. Nope, no cake for Smudges. But I can give you a treat. Do you want a treat, my little boppikin?”

Smudges’ ears perked up. He knew the word treat.

He wriggled to get out of Vivian’s arms. She placed him on the ground before going to the cupboard and getting out one of the tuna-flavored treats.

She watched in satisfaction as Smudges devoured it. He would be licking the bowl for some time, so Vivian used the opportunity to put together a quick dinner. She didn’t often have time for anything elaborate. She had lived on takeout for many years until her cholesterol levels went on strike.

Now, she did her best to cook something healthy, though she was limited by time and energy. She often worked late, and the work took a lot out of her.

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