Page 36 of You Could Do Better

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Joq waited for him to leave with an inexplicable sadness he wanted nothing more than to get away from.

Only, Chris turned back, something halting in his movements. “But I couldn’t stop thinking about you all week,” he said quickly like he really wished he could stop thinking about him.

“Look, Chris, I—” he wasn’t going to say he couldn’t stop thinking about him either, instead, “I’m busy right now—”

“Is someone else here?” Chris asked, his face transforming from unsure to pissed off.

Joq bristled. “What? No. Of course not. I’m busy buying a cat.” He cringed inwardly after he said it.

“A cat?” Chris replied disbelieving.

“I’m serious, she’s beautiful and I need to go do that before someone else gets her, so,” he started to shut the door but his stomach flipped as Chris’ smile grew.

“Can I come?” Chris asked.


“To look at the cat.”


“Why not?”

“I don’t know. No,” Joq shook his head. Once upon a time, he was articulate and sure of himself. Fucking George, he thought viciously; but all the heat went out of it just as quickly. He was so tired of this. He’d been sure of who he was once—now he had no idea, or he felt unsure in his decisions.

Chris nodded, accepting, but his eyes bore into Joq’s and Joq got a glimpse of what made him the successful business man he clearly was if he was running his own company at twenty-seven.

“Okay, I’m going to go, but do me a favour?”

Joq waved a hand for him to go on.

Chris took a deep breath. Exhaled. “Think about it, me I mean. Think about seeing me again like we were before and don’t—”

He cut himself off, shook his head.

“Don’t what?”

Chris met his eyes, tucked his hands in his pockets and rushed out the words. “Don’t fuck anyone else.”

Joq raised both eyebrows. “I’m not sure where you got this idea I’m out fucking half of Melbourne, but if I wanted to do that, I could.”

“Of course you could,” Chris readily agreed. “I’m just asking you to be exclusive with me when you’re with me.”

“I’m not with you.”

“While you’re considering being with me then.”

“I’m not interested—”

“Being with me like hooking up.”

Joq sighed. It’s not like he was going to fuck anyone else anyway. “Yeah, okay.”

“Yeah?” Chris brightened so much, you’d have thought Joq agreed to marry him.

“Yeah, really, I’m not actually the man-whore you seem to think I am.” Well, not anymore, he thought ironically.

Chris smiled. “Good. I’ll text. And you’ll reply?”

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