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“I think you’re taking it seriously enough for the both of us.”

“I just want this to go well.”

“And it will,” he says and plants a kiss on my forehead.

About six months ago, Cash and I moved into a gorgeous house in a beautiful neighborhood on the other side of town. It’s not that far from the bar, but it’s a lot closer to my school. He still works most nights, but he insisted that I stop working altogether and focus on my studies. I was resistant at first, but after getting some scholarships and financial aid, I was a little more comfortable knowing that he wouldn’t have to pay my way. And I still work some shifts at the bar, though not as many, but enough to put some cash in my own pocket.

My schooling is going well but I’ve still got about a year and a half or so before I finish my degree. After that, I’m going to have to decide what’s next for me. Cash is encouraging me to go for my master’s and a doctorate, and then hang out my own shingle as a counselor, but I haven’t thought that far ahead just yet. But the fact that he is so encouraging and supportive means the world to me. It makes me think I can do anything. Everything.

He makes me think that no matter what I do, I’m going to succeed. He fills me with a surety and confidence that are still entirely new to me, and there are times when it’s overwhelming. There are times I have to force myself to pause and just take it all in. Cash has been so good to me in so many ways that I don’t know if I’m ever going to be able to repay him for everything he’s done for me. Whenever I try to express that, he waves me off. He asks what sort of partner he would be if he didn’t make me feel like I could conquer the world if that’s my plan.

The doorbell rings and my eyes widen as a shot of white-hot adrenaline floods my body. Cash laughs and continues to hold on to me. I squirm in his grasp, laughing along with him as I try to break free.

“I have to go answer the door,” I say.

“Maybe if we pretend we’re not home, they’ll go away and we can spend the evening naked and covered in whipped cream.”

“As tempting as that is, I spent way too much time making a fantastic meal to let it go to waste, thank you very much.”

He sighs dramatically. “Oh fine, be that way.”

I give him a quick kiss as he lets me go and I dash for the door and throw it open. Zane is dressed nicely in jeans and a dark button-down shirt, a shy smile on his face. His girlfriend is adorable. We’re about the same height, and she’s got a thin but curvy build like me. I guess Zane has a type. The stud in her nose is a glittering red ruby, her hair is bright pink and cut in a bob, and she’s got a beautiful pale complexion, and eyes so blue they’re almost silver. She’s stunning.

“Please, please,” I say. “Come in.”

“Thank you,” Alyssa says.

They step inside, and I lead them to the dining room where Cash is waiting. He gives Zane a quick hug then turns and shakes Alyssa’s hand, welcoming her warmly.

“We’re really glad you two could make it for dinner,” I say.

“Thanks for having us,” Zane replies, his tone shaking slightly with nerves. “Guys, this is Alyssa. Alyssa, this is my dad and Cassie.”

“It’s really nice to meet you,” Cash says. “Zane has told us a lot about you.”

“It’s really nice to meet you, Mr. Teague. Zane has?—”

“Please, just call me Cash.”

Her smile is wide and sweet as she hands Cash the bottle of wine they brought. Cash takes it from her and welcomes her warmly.

“Please, have a seat,” he says. “I’ll open this.”

Zane holds the chair for Alyssa, pushing it in after she takes her seat and kissing the crown of her head before taking his own chair. Their hands immediately find each other when he sits, and they look at one another with an affectionate glance that I think is absolutely adorable. It’s easy to see how much they care for each other. Cash walks back in with the open bottle and fills the glasses in front of everybody before taking his own seat.

For a little while, we snack on the appetizers I brought out of the kitchen and spend some time getting to know Alyssa. She’s intelligent and has a razor-sharp wit. She doesn’t let Zane get away with anything and calls him on his bullshit, which I think is good for him. For his part, it’s easy to see just how much Zane has changed in the past year. It’s easy to see just how much he’s grown up and matured. He seems really good with Alyssa. He’s kind and affectionate. He’s considerate and thoughtful. Basically, he’s the exact opposite of how he was with me.

“So, where did you two meet?” Cash asks. “Zane never mentioned that.”

“We’re in culinary school together,” she replies.

“Oh, that’s fantastic,” I say. “And how are your classes going?”

“We’re both on track to graduate next spring,” Zane says. “After that, we’ll be looking to catch on somewhere and start getting the experience we need.”

“And maybe one day down the road, we’re going to look at opening up our own little café,” Alyssa says almost shyly.

I exchange a look of surprise with Cash before we both turn to Zane, who looks away as his cheeks flare with color. Hearing that Zane is looking that far down the road and making a plan for his life—a life that includes Alyssa—is shocking in the best way possible.

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