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Regardless, I carry on in the traffic, hoping it subsides quickly so I can still make it to the office before another hour goes by.

While waiting for the traffic light to change, my mind ran over dinner last night with Damien. It was good to see him again after so many years.

His house looked so beautiful and organized. The colors in the apartment blended, from the walls to the furniture and the wooden floors.

Interior decoration has always been my forte. Putting different colors, textures, and pieces together brings me joy. Therefore, this job at Selware is important to me.

Our conversations were also a fine blend of laughter and interesting stories as I recounted some experiences he shared with me from traveling to different countries across the world.

I laughed till my stomach churned, and I could feel the elasticity on my cheeks weakening. Thinking about it now, yesterday was the first time in months I had gone to bed without crying myself to sleep and recollecting memories of my parents. Maybe that was the reason I overslept.

My dad would be so proud of me if he were here. My mom would never let me leave the house this way, especially on a day like this. She would ensure that I had a lunch pack and looked like I owned the company.

If they were not around me, they would have been on a call with me from the moment I woke up till I arrived at the office. I miss them. I really do.

My thoughts switch back to Damien and his tales, as the morning occurrences are already enough sad thoughts for me. Seeing a girl cry on her steering wheel in traffic would be weird.

He displayed different dance steps he had learned from various parts of the world. I learned some while I left others for next time.

Being widely traveled allowed him to explore the different cultures and traditions of various people. He had the opportunity to learn and adapt to various living conditions. It sounded so exciting.

My thoughts are short-lived by the honking of the car behind me. I had not noticed that the traffic light had turned green.

I drive as fast as possible until I get to the company’s building. It’s the tallest building and the best looking on Friendier Avenue, Selware Incorporation.

The building has a glass covering from top to bottom, with the company’s logo prominently placed at the top.

While I navigate through the parking lot, I silently pray that I get to come back to the office as a staff member and not leave shamefully after getting fired.

The email sent to my inbox read that there would be a staff orientation for the recruits on the top floor of the building. This orientation will take us through the nitty gritty of working in the company and give us a tour around the building.

The last part makes more sense to me now as I notice the many floors and offices in the building. One could easily get lost in the maze here.

Picking up my bag, I make sure nothing drops out as I hasten to the elevator and press the button for the top floor. I say silent prayers until I get to the top. This job means a lot to me and my career.

I arrive at the last floor, and the front desk lady directs me to the conference room where the orientation is taking place.

The sign outside the room states that the orientation runs from 8:00-1:00 pm, and here I am, arriving twenty-three minutes past 10:00 am. Way to go, Lea!

No excuse sounds good enough to make up for this tardiness. Dragging my feet as I approach the door of the meeting area and wonder why I didn’t just go back home when I could.

Anyway, there are other companies in Los Angeles. But none like Selware. I would have to review my resume and apply for different jobs. Although I loved this one, it would be gone in a few minutes.

As I arrive at the door, I am obstructed by a man who informs me that the orientation began a long while ago and entries are no longer allowed.

My heart drops to my stomach and threatens to fall at my feet. How could this be happening? There has to be a way!

“I am so sorry for my late arrival; it was not planned, and the traffic delayed me.”

“The instruction we were given was that anyone who came after 9:00 am should not be allowed entrance into the conference room. I’m sorry, ma’am, but my hands are tied.”

“I understand, but please, I could go in and explain myself to the head of HR. She will certainly understand.”

“Even if I wanted to let you in, I can’t do that now, as the CEO is already giving his presentation. You have to cooperate with me, ma’am.”

I hear a male voice presenting inside the room, and I guess it is the CEO, who must be a very stern man.

It would be more embarrassing to walk in while the owner of the company is in the room. He would ensure I never come as much as ten feet close to his company again.

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