Page 45 of Royally Rebellious

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She looked up, a bit nervous. Her sisters surrounded her as her maid watched on.

“Could you all give us a moment?” I asked.

“Rick, I cannot?—”

“Just a minute,” I said. “I want to chat before the big to-do.”

We were about to take engagement photos. I hadn’t seen her in a couple of days. We were kept apart. But, this morning, I was told I would spend the day with my future wife—yes, wild I know—taking photos and acting like the perfect couple we were supposed to be.

Marta nodded, smiling kindly. I gathered from all Alexandra said about her that she was a trusted person. To date, she hadn’t done anything to raise suspicion. Marta left the door cracked as the others left.

Alexandra stood and stepped towards me.

“I have a gift.”

“Ah,” Alexandra said. “You didn’t have to. I got the ring.”

“Did you?”

I reached for her left hand. She smiled and held it out. Girls in Neandia wore their engagement rings on their left hand—the opposite of Lundhavian preference. It was a holdover from old Scandinavian traditions—Vikings being contrary.

The ring was beautiful. It was a big, shiny rock shaped like an emerald. I didn’t know much more. It made her finger look even smaller. It shone like the sun in the morning light. She treasured this heirloom.

“It’s nice,” I said. “Very nice. Fitting.”

She blushed.

I handed her the box. “Here. May you wear this if you so choose.”

Pulling the wrapping back, she unveiled a pretty ruby bracelet.

“It’s the same colour in both our flags,” I said. “And I thought you might like it.”

“I love it!” She smiled broadly.

It was infectious when she got excited like this.

I bent closer, “Check under it.”

Alexandra looked confused, then set the bracelet down. She peeled back what she suspected was the bottom of the box. Instead, she discovered something below it. She looked up at me. I put my finger to my lips, suggesting she remain silent.

She whispered, holding the phone in the box, “How?”

“In case you need me, my number is in there. For any of you. Hide it well, but call or text if you need something.”

Alexandra gaped, then nodded. She looked surprised but didn’t protest.

“Should we make everyone believe a fairytale, then?” I asked.

“I thought you’d never ask.”

She instinctively took my hand and dragged me excitedly into the living room. I couldn’t help but adore her suddenly. She was excited. In her shoes, I would have been frightened. She’d been locked up for two days—hidden from everyone. I could only imagine she was used to it and had nothing more to lose.

Her hair, now in pretty curls that fell past her shoulders, bounced behind her as excitedly as her gait. I caught up, matching her determined stride. She squeezed my hand like she didn’t want to let it go. We proceeded down to something called the Jade Room. Inside were big, luxurious curtains, cream couches, and a unique fireplace inlaid with jade. It looked out onto the gardens. There, we were met by a man I’d not seen before.

“Hello, Your Majesty and Your Royal Highness.” He bowed.

“Hello. I was told I would be meeting Louise,” Alexandra spoke French.

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