Page 41 of Royally Rebellious

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Alexandra’s face lit up like a Christmas tree.

“Call your father,” Celeste said. “At once. I will not have you bandying her about, wrecking her reputation for your enjoyment! It is sterling. We will figure out the engagement photos tomorrow and hire someone suitable. Until we make the final announcement and I can speak with the PM about my intent to terminate the regency, you are not to be alone with her. I will not have her sullied in the process.”

Sullied? I only kissed her. I hadn’t even slept with her. Hell, I hadn’t even seen her tits yet! There was something bizarre about mentioning Alexandra’s chastity before me like it was a prize. And, given the way the girl kissed, I suspected she had gotten away with something. She knew to hold me down when I got out of line. A quiet little virgin wouldn’t know how to make a man grovel. She was wiser than Celeste gave her credit.

“I will now return you to your quarters, Alexandra,” Celeste said.

Alexandra looked at me, eyes big. “Thank you.”

I watched Celeste drag her granddaughter down the hall like you might a wayward dog or naughty toddler. I loathed it, looking the way to see Martin shaking his head.

“Martin, I worry for her.”

Martin, pained, said, “I’m sure it will all work out, sir.”

“I don’t know. It will for us. If it kills me, I want to make sure of two things,” I said.

“Yes, sir?”

“I need to find a way to get Alexandra a mobile phone. She protests but… I worry for her. My job is to take care of her. I cannot do that if I have no access to her.”

“I do not think the Dowager Queen will approve, but I can do my best. Maybe make friends with her lady’s maid or something?”

“That would be great,” I agreed. “Can you handle the phone or?—”

“We will sort it—send it to her in secret as best we can.”

I smiled. “Thank you, Martin.”

“What was the second point?”

“I don’t need anything now, but I am hatching a plan to remove that bitch from the Queen’s quarters. It should have been Alexandra’s bank of rooms for ages now. If it kills me, I will evict her.”

Martin chuckled. “You are taking this defence of the woman very seriously, sir.”

“I am obligated—and not only to Alexandra, to her sisters. I don’t like the way that woman pulls her around like that. She treats her poorly. Alexandra is a monarch—whether that bitch likes it or not—and I will not have anyone treating her like that.”

My voice was hot. I had gotten myself surprisingly wound up. Martin had a satisfied look. He understood my righteous indignation and was glad to see it.

“Sir, we should notify your father of the engagement,” Martin said. “You said after?—”

“Yes, yes. Let me call him,” I said.

We returned to my room where I called my father’s phone and received the switchboard. Eventually, I was transferred. My father was already in bed. Despite their happy marriage, my parents always slept apart. I did not understand it but felt it was fine if it worked for them. The lore was that Pappa was a fan of reading late and Mamma was not one to tolerate late nights with any form of light. So, they didn’t share a room in the evening.

“You doing alright? I heard the match went well,” Pappa said.

“It was my best match to date. We surprised everyone. Couldn’t be prouder of the guys. But that’s not why I’m calling.”


“I’m ready to do it.”

“To do what?”

“Announce the engagement, Pappa.”

There was some silence.

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