Page 4 of Sweet Fantasies

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“Ugh. She hates being called that. I think the girl is gonna be a fighter. She’s scrappy.”

“Okay. So what do you want to get on her cake?”

“I think she’s a superhero so let’s look at at…Wonder Woman. I think she’ll like her. She beats up guys. Which is ironic, isn’t it?”

Snickering, I mark down what she wants. “Yeah, considering how y’all met, I definitely think that falls under ironic.”

“We have an interesting story to tell,” she says, smiling and ducking her head like she’s shy. Newsflash. She’s not.

“Yeah, yeah. How’s it been at school this year?”

“Good. The new principal is pretty cool. They’ve done a complete revamp of the school system.”

“That’s great! I’m glad things are working out.”

She nods and then glances at her fitness watch. She sighs. “I’ve got to get going. I’m going to be late getting to class if I don’t hurry.”

“I’ll take care of this.” I nod towards the order pad and smile. “I hope that Harley loves it.”

“She will. She’s the sweetest kid.”

A pang of envy hits me and I push it down. Tally had to wait for quite awhile to find her perfect fit. I shouldn’t begrudge her her new life.

But I want it. If I didn’t have to find a man to get it anyway. I’m still not that interested in finding a man to share my life with. I’m a simple woman and I have a hard time fitting in. Sharing my life with someone else would probably be difficult for me.

But my sleepless nights are really starting to catch up with me. I sigh and close my eyes, my body vibrating with desire so strong that it ripples over me and pools in my lower belly like liquid heat.

I need to get my head straight before I do something crazy like find the damn asshole who kissed me and now keeps showing up in my dreams, stripping me bare and fucking me endlessly and every way he can until I’m a boneless mess of sated lust.

“What on earth are you thinking, sweetheart?”

No! There’s no way!

But when I pry one eye open he’s standing in front of me, his sparkling blue gaze locked on my quivering body like a laser beam right to my pussy.

I groan and close my eye again. “You are not here right now. You are not here right now.”

“I’m standing right in front of you. You can say that as many times as you want but I’m still standing right here in front of you.”

Sighing, I open both eyes and glare at the sexy asshole who’s haunting my dreams with his nighttime antics.

“What do you want?”


My brow lifts. “What?”

“Ryan. My name is Ryan.”

“I know that. I was warned before that mess of a wedding that you were catering and you were an asshole who hates women.”

“I don’t hate women,” he huffs and his eyes sparkle even more as his eyes run down my body. “As a matter of fact….”

I hold up my hand. “Don’t finish that thought. I don’t know why you’re here but if you don’t want to order something maybe you should go home.”

“I’m not gonna do that.” He shakes his golden head and my heart skips a beat when he moves closer. My breath comes faster when he stalks closer, his eyes focused so hard on me that it feels like he’s trying to crawl into my soul.

He smells so good. Like citrus and leather. Masculine and sexy and earthy.

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