Page 40 of The Rookie

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“This is always so stressful,” Norah says, barely able to watch.

My heart is beating so fast as I watch my son Aaron skating around the rink. He’s playing in the final game of the Junior Championship.

It’s the last period and they’re up by one.

I find it funny how I’m always more stressed watching my sons play than I ever was when I was out there on the ice.

Norah slides her hand into mine and entwines our fingers. I give her hand a little squeeze as Aaron passes the puck.

We’ve been through this many times over the years.

We have three boys and two of them are already professionals playing in the league. After this week’s performance by Aaron, he’s going to be there soon too.

Norah clings to me throughout the whole period.

I grin as I feel her hands digging into my arm. I love the feeling of her.

It’s been three decades and I’m still obsessed with my woman.

She’s given me three boys, so many priceless memories, and an endless amount of love.

I still feel like the luckiest man in the world whenever I look at her gorgeous face.

During the last minute of the game, we’re still up by one. The other team pulls their goalie in a desperate attempt to tie it up.

Six seconds later, Aaron steals the puck, cuts past a player, and sinks it into the open net.

Our whole section leaps up and cheers.

“That’s my boy!” I shout as Norah jumps up and down, clinging onto my arm. Even with all of the excitement, I’m still very aware of her supple breasts pressing into my bicep.

She still drives me crazy.

The game ends and we meet Aaron outside the locker room after.

“I’m going out with the boys to celebrate,” he says, already looking like he’s had a couple of beers.

He’s got his mom’s smile and my big frame. I think he’s got the best of both of us.

“Have fun,” I tell him. “Don’t party too hard and don’t forget where you came from. Stay focused.”

He smiles and nods at the words my wise father once told me.

“I will, Dad.”

Aaron hugs me, hugs his mom, and then catches up with the guys.

“He’s such a good kid,” Norah says as we watch him leave.

“Yeah,” I say, watching with a proud smile on my face. “We did a pretty good job.”

All of our boys are amazing. I’m so lucky to have these amazing people in my life.

Some of the parents are heading out to a pub to celebrate, but I take my wife back to our hotel room.

Those beautiful breasts got me going and I want to be alone with the woman of my dreams.

I bring her back to that giant king-sized bed, undress her, and sink into her soft warmth with a moan.

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