Page 42 of Stone

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We stay like that for a few moments, drawing strength from each other's presence. Finally, Ivy straightens, a determined look on her face. “Good. Then let that be your apology.” Her smile is small yet defiant.

“I will.” I smile back and give her knee a reassuring squeeze before standing. “Why aren't you staying with Gray?”

A flicker of sadness crosses her features. “ into a fight earlier. I just can't be around him right now.”

I nod in understanding, not prying further. “Why don't we go for a ride then? Might calm your nerves.”

Ivy hesitates, chewing her lip as she considers my offer. After a beat, she nods. “Okay.”

She pushes herself off the bed, and we head outside into the cool night air. I grab the helmets from my bike, tossing one to Ivy. She catches it deftly and slides it over her head. “Yeah, yeah, don’t make me regret it.”

I turn to Ivy and tighten the chin strap before I swing my leg over the bike, revving the engine. I ignore the warmth that spreads through me when she wraps her arms around my waist and presses her chest flush against my back.

It’s Ivy and this isn’t the first time I’ve had her in this position, even though tonight it feels different than all the other times.

I take off quickly, leaving giant clouds of dust behind us. The night air is crisp as I tear down the road that takes us away from the bunkhouse. It’s a one lane road that heads to our favorite spot as kids, where we’d spend hours just hanging out and talking about what life would be like when we got older. All the things we planned to do.

It's a place that’s as much a part of our friendship as the two of us. Tonight, I think it’s what we both need.

I twist the throttle a little harder because fuck me, it feels too good, too damn right, to have Ivy so close. I haul ass until I spot the alligator juniper in the distance, lit up by the moon. I slow down as we approach, stopping about twenty feet from the tree.

Ivy jumps off quickly, removing her helmet and spinning in a circle. “It’s our spot.”

“It is.” She goes to the tree, running her palm over the jagged bark that looks so much like alligator skin.

“God,” she sighs. “I haven’t been out here in years. About six months after you left was the last time I came out here.”

I turn to face the lake and let out a heavy sigh as I shove my hands deep in my pockets. “With Gray?”

She shakes her head. “No. It was just me and Sage. I was pretty depressed, and even though your mom and Gray’s mom were being totally cool about everything, I just came out here to think.”

I reach for her, tucking a lock of thick black hair behind her ear. “I’m sorry I had to leave. I know it was fucked up.”

“Stone, please, for the sake of all things holy, stop apologizing. Please?”

“I’ll do my best. Promise.”

Her lips curl into a wistful smile. “Tell me something about your life in California.”

Her question surprises me, and I drop down onto the hard ground with a grunt. “Life in Angel Harbor was good. The Reckless Souls were a lot of fun.” I tell her about some of the trouble I got up to with the guys. “Kicked a lot of ass. Shot some people. Ate some of the best damn pastries I’ve ever had.”

“Like Danishes?” She arches a teasing brow.

“Even better. Cronuts. Heaven in a pastry.”

Ivy tosses her head back and laughs. “Kicking ass and eating cronuts. Like, I even know what that is.” She looks up toward the starry night. “You love the chaos, don’t you?”

I nod and think about my time in Angel Harbor. “Yeah. I thrive in the chaos. What can I say? I’m good at the messy shit.”

“I should get that printed on a shirt for you.”


“I know. I’m so hilarious.” She falls backward, landing across my lap as she laughs at my expense. Her lips pull tight into a smile, but there’s a line of moisture down the center, the moon a spotlight on her lips.

“Ivy,” I groan and cup her face, bending over to press my mouth to hers. She gasps in surprise, and I wait, giving her time to push me away, to tell me to stop.

When she doesn’t, I deepen the kiss. Intensify it until her hands grip my hair, pulling me closer and closer until I’m doubled over her. Our tongues tangle together, dancing a quick two-step that makes me hungrier for her. My body is heating up, and I want more. This kiss, hot as it is, isn’t what I expected when I went in search of Ivy, but now that I’ve had a taste of her, I want more.

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