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The sun beats down on my skin, as I pull my backpack closer to me. I know I need to leave the city as soon as I can.

“I have places to go and people to find.” I answer simply.

Uncle nods in a knowing way. Gesturing softly to follow him, we zigzagged through several streets. Hardly anyone pays us any mind. Outside of the castle, everything almost felt like a desert. Though there was grass, the climate was so arid that it’s nowhere near the vivid green hue as my home.

“Determined to leave, I see. Well, I know better to get in the way of a woman on a mission.” Grins Uncle Ov. Corralling me into a tea and pasty shop, I want to groan.

If you knew better, then you’d have let me go on my merry way.

Returning an equally forced smile, I reply, “Smart god. Those are in short supply.” Uncle belly laughs so harshly that it echoes through the cozy shop.

A stone fireplace crackles softly off to the corner of the small room. Comforting browns, tile, plush upholstered seats, and yellow lighting cast a warmth to the room.

Gesturing off to the side, Uncle greets the female worker at the counter. “Greetings Penelope. Would you be so kind as to prepare two batches of my normal order?”

Inclining her head, the lady scrambles to gather the requested items. “Of course, sir.”

Pushing off into a side room, I’m greeted by a warm and lavish room. One that rivals some of the rooms in the palace. This space has a tiny table with two chairs and a couch around the fireplace. It was nearly bare. But the finishings were much nicer than the previous room.

“Welcome to my private room at the Golden Carnation. Please take a seat.” Crossing the room, I toss myself onto the plush couch. “In all seriousness, best of luck on your adventure. Aww yes, but I do have a parting gift for you.”

Uncle follows me to the couch shortly after. Peonies, carnations, and lilies decorate the room. Even spare flowers find their way into vases, into the art on the walls, even the mosaics on the floors contain flowers.

I awkwardly fidget in my seat. Playing with my coffee-colored curls.

Reaching for his waistband, Uncle unties a moderately sized pouch. Tossing it on the table in front of me the heavy crack of the coins on the table echoed in the room. A small fortune rests in the bag. More than my entire family has had in years. “What’s this?”

“Call it a kick starter to your new life. The coin purse should last you several years comfortably. Perhaps you open your own apothecary or flower shop. Sharing your love of plants with a small human village sounds like your speed.” Nodding, Uncle bowed his head. “Though I wish you could stay, I understand how you're feeling. We would have become great companions. But I recognize that your journey lies beyond what this court has to offer.”

Gawking at the pouch, my eyes flick back to Uncle. “This is too much. I can’t take this.” Guilt riddles my center.”

Tutting at me, Uncle frowns. “No, no. I insist. Please take it.” Wrinkling his gray eyebrows, he then adds, “Accepting this allows me to rest easy know that you're alright and have the basics to survive. Ganymede, fetch Pandora a bag of supplies,” commands Uncle who stretches out on the long sofa. The brown-haired teen nods curtly, before exiting the room. The curly haired man was as silent as a shade. Had I not seen him leave, I would have questioned if Ganymede was there.

Sighing internally, I nod at Uncle. “Thank you for your gift.” Placing it deep into my bag, I stand to give him a hug. It felt awkward but also the right thing to do. “Thank you for everything.”

“Welcome my dearie. Now promise me, for your safety, do not return to the castle,” Uncle warns sternly. “If Apollo discovers your deceit, the consequences would be dire for you.” I watch Uncle expecting that he’ll laugh. Uncle’s face remains as grave as his voice.

What? I figured he’d look for me, but kill me if I return? Now that was unexpected.

Laughing nervously, my thoughts spiral.

Uncle crosses his arms. “Pandora, I'm serious,” a loud knock sounds at the door. My eyes shot from the door to Uncle. Waiting for him to take the lead. “We will resume this conversation shortly,” he whispers. “Enter.”

Wrapped sandwiches, fruit, and vegetables. Cut and placed purposefully.

At the same time, Ganymede enters with a large backpack, “Here is the travel food, maps, and more.” Dark eyes look from me over to Uncle, seeking approval. Though he seemed to ask me, Uncle’s approval was what he sought.

They packed for me… Did they know that I was leaving?

But how would they know?

I just made up my mind last night.

“Adequate. Thank you, Ganymede,” Uncle lazily replied. “Take these. Call it a start to your new life.”

“Thank you.” I stretch out and give him a hug. He wraps his arms around me. My cheeks brushing past his sandpaper like a cheek against mine, I feel the familiar pounding in my head. Warning me of a premonition to come.

“What’s going on?” Uncle questions, “Are you okay?”

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