Page 86 of Smoke and Serenity

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The smoke grew thicker by the minute. With a choking breath, she turned her attention to freeing Turk and Jackson from the fiery prison that threatened to consume them all.

“Turk, get Michael out of there. We can't leave him behind,” Jackson coughed.

“But he's the one who started this fire! He doesn't deserve?—”

“I don't care, Turk. No one deserves to die like this. We're getting him out now!”

Turk hesitated for a moment. “Alright, I'm on it!” He leaned down, grabbed the unconscious Michael and threw him over his shoulders.

Meanwhile, Liv and Jackson, their bodies battered and bruised, supported each other as they stumbled toward the exit. The heat of the flames seemed to intensify with each step. “Hang in there. We're almost out,” she said.

“I've got you. Just keep moving,” he encouraged her.

Their breaths came in ragged gasps as they pushed through the pain and exhaustion, fighting to escape the fire.

“We got him out. He's alive,” Turk choked.

Jackson nodded as he looked toward Liv, their eyes meeting in silent understanding.

They collapsed onto the ground, exhausted and shaken.

Brad arrived with a police contingent, his eyes widening in disbelief at the sight of Michael in custody. With a nod of gratitude, he allowed the firefighters to get to work.

As the Waverly Junction Fire Department extinguished the blaze, Liv's gaze never wavered from Michael, who now sat, handcuffed, in police custody as the flames gradually succumbed to the relentless onslaught of water.

Jackson sat beside her. “You did it,” he said softly, his voice tinged with love. “You stopped him.” He kissed her gently.

Liv nodded, her eyes still fixed on Michael. “But at what cost?”

“We need to make sure Michael gets the help he needs,” he said, his voice firm with resolve. “He's sick, Liv. He needs professional care.”

Liv nodded. She couldn’t believe, even knowing how much Michael hated him, Jackson wouldn’t turn his back on him. She leaned into Jackson and returned his kiss.

As the last of the flames were extinguished, Brad approached them. “You need to get looked at. You all ate too much smoke.”

With a weary smile, Liv said, “Thanks, Brad.” She stood between Turk and Jackson, a sense of closure settling over her.


Thanksgiving approached. In Charlotte’s home, the air was filled with the warm aroma of roasting turkey and savory side dishes. Martha, Charlotte, Sophie, Molly, Isobel, and Ruth Everhart bustled about the kitchen, their laughter mingling with the clatter of pots and pans as they prepared the feast.

Jackson, with a mischievous grin, took charge of making his famous pumpkin pie. His hands, now free of their sling with the doctor’s permission, expertly worked the dough as he hummed a cheerful tune. Liv watched him fondly.

When the feast was placed on the table, Turk and Luke joined the friends and family who had gathered together. Charlotte stood at the head of the table and said, “As we gather around this table, let us count our blessings, large and small. May our hearts be filled with gratitude, for the love that surrounds us, for the gifts we've been given.

“On this day of Thanksgiving, let us cherish the moments we share and remember those who are not with us, but whose presence is felt in our memories and in our hearts. May this meal nourish our bodies and souls, and may we be mindful of those in need, extending a hand of kindness and generosity to spread love and compassion. Amen.”

While they ate, they shared stories and laughter, their voices filling the room with warmth and joy.

* * *

Molly headed home after Thanksgiving dinner, anticipation bubbling up inside her. Tomorrow morning, she was heading to a West Coast swing dance festival at the Waverly Junction convention center. The thought of spending a weekend immersed in dance, surrounded by the living instead of the dead, filled her with energy.

In her bedroom, Molly quickly packed her dance shoes, a couple of outfits for each class she planned to take, and a dress she wanted to wear for the culmination dinner. She checked her phone one last time, making sure she had all the necessary details and directions for the event.

As she settled into bed, her mind buzzed. She couldn’t help but smile at the thought of the incredible weekend that awaited.

* * *

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