Page 52 of Love Op

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She hesitantly worked the knife against the side seam of my pants. She managed to loosen a few threads, but she was obviously worried about hurting me. I took her hand in mine, and with a deft stroke, forced the blade to pierce through the fabric and slide down my thigh. A soft rip sounded through the bedroom, punctuated only by her labored breathing. “Oh, fuck.” Mattie drew away, staring at the torn fabric.

I glanced down. The tip had nicked the spot where the blade had dragged from my boxers to my skin. “So?” I forced her hand to continue down the leg of my pants. “Keep going.”

Still shaking, but gaining some confidence, Mattie finished the side of my left leg. Then she moved to the right side, and copying the way I had done it the first time, she managed to slice the sharp blade down the other seam. She didn’t nick me that time. When she reached the hem, she eased the ruined pants away from my body, leaving me in a pair of black boxers.

I took the knife from her calmer grasp, and with one flick, closed it so the handles encased the blade safely. I used it to tilt her chin up. “How do you feel, Mattie?”

Her breasts rose and fell with each deep, slowly settling breath she took. “Uhm,” she closed her eyes briefly. “I don’t know.”

I increased the pressure, forcing her head back. “Try again.”

“Powerful,” she admitted. Her eyes opened again, holding mine with feverish intensity. “I felt powerful. I liked it.”

I took her hand in mine again and wrapped her fingers around the handle. “Do not let go of this.” She barely had a chance to nod before I hauled her up, spun her around, and bent her over the edge of the bed. When I spanked her, she moaned, letting her head fall to the blue-patterned comforter. “That’s it, Bunny. Moan for me. Do you want my cock inside of you?”

“Yes,” she groaned. With her head on the bed and her ass between my hands, I smoothed my palms over her soft skin.

I spanked the other cheek, just hard enough to leave a handprint that made my dick twitch. “Get the vibrator.” I didn’t have so much hubris to think that after four orgasms with a vibrator, my teeth, and her fingers, she would have an easy time getting there a fifth time with my dick alone. She wanted to feel, so I would make sure she did until she had nothing left.

Mattie reached across the bed, scrambling around until she had the wand. She brought it to her side, but she didn’t turn it on or use it. I smiled to myself. Fuck, if stubborn Mattie wasn’t learning. Even better, she was letting go. I spanked her again, and she yelped, but then it ended in a lusty moan. “Kael, please.”

I grinned crookedly. “Say it again.”


I’d have chuckled if my own desire didn’t have me in a chokehold. I had taken my wallet out of my pants before I’d gotten on the bed with Mattie, and I reached over to the walnut bedside table and slipped a condom out of it. As I ripped it open with my teeth, Mattie looked over her shoulder at me. Her eyes had hooded with desire, and she shifted restlessly. “Turn it on,” I said.

Her thumb clicked the vibrator, and to my continued surprise, she didn’t bring it between her legs. She waited. I stared at her with lust slamming through my veins. “Such a good girl, Bunny. Put it against your clit.”

Her eyelids fluttered closed, and she did as I’d said, bringing the vibrator against her tender sex. It made her jump, but then she moaned and pressed her forehead into the comforter. By the way her ass twitched, I knew she didn’t have much time before she hit her fifth. Which suited me just fine. Mattie could come as many times as she wanted—I’d draw that shit out until she couldn’t stand.

I slid my boxers off, and after fitting the condom in place, I smoothed my hands over Mattie’s ass again. After delivering two slaps in succession, causing her to gasp and cry out with a sound that went right to my balls, I fitted the head of my dick against her soaked entrance. “Say it again, Mattie.”

“Please,” she gusted out again. “Kael, I need you. Please.”

“I’m never going to get tired of hearing that,” I managed to get out. My entire body had been tightened like corkscrews fitted to my nerves. It was a wonder I could say anything coherent at all. She was so beautiful, from the soft curve of her hips to her waist to her delicate, sweet features that had contorted with pleasure. I wanted all of her.

I wrapped an arm around her, lifting her hips to me and pressing my erection a fraction into her heat. She let out a strangled, happy sound, and I almost keeled over from the gratification. She was so warm and so tight, I could feel her squeezing, pulling me further in. I’d given Mattie some grief for her lack of sexual activity earlier, but the truth was, it had been a hot minute for me, too. At the moment, it felt like I’d been waiting all along. For her. For this.

I eased my arousal further inside of her, and I had to mash my teeth together to keep from losing all control and filling her to the hilt. Mattie seemed to want that, though, because she pushed back against me. The vibration from her wand spilled over to my dick, making it that much harder to keep hold of the thin thread of control I’d maintained. Mattie’s legs tensed, and before I’d even sunk half my length inside of her, she suddenly cried out with a release, her pussy clenching around me. She pulsed around my dick in a beautiful rhythm that pulled me deeper until I pressed hard against her ass and bottomed out.

Trembling, she panted, letting the wand fall and grabbing the comforter for dear life. I reached down, and grasping her hand in mine, I forced the toy back against her clit. I covered her thumb with mine and ratcheted up the strength of the toy three times. “Fuck, Kael, I ca-I ca—” I retreated from inside of her and then slammed back into her. She shrieked, curling inward. “Fuck me. Fuck, fuck, fuck!”

“Come on baby,” I gritted out, my focus spiraling down and focusing on how incredible it felt to be this deep inside her tight heat. “One more. You can do it.”

She screamed, toes pointing and body trembling all over. I slammed into her, retreating and filling her with punishing strokes that brought me straight to my edge. I’d felt the way she tensed before her orgasm, and I knew now what it felt like with her around me. I waited, listening to the cadence of her increasingly frantic yelps. And then, at last, she was there. She tightened, pulling inward and popping one foot up as her orgasm took control of her movements. I supported her weight, letting her give in to the orgasm as I chased my own release.

I was pretty sure my vision blurred, but then I closed my eyes as my orgasm tore through me like a knife. It stole my breath and robbed my reason, and I pounded Mattie’s pussy relentlessly, dragging out the best orgasm of my fucking life. We both slowed, easing through the pulsing release that had suddenly turned my well-honed body into warm clay. I fell over her, supporting my weight with my elbows on either side of her. Her chest rose and fell like she’d sprinted a mile, and she switched off the vibrator.

I pressed my forehead to her sweaty shoulder blades. “Jesus, Mattie.”

“Jesus, Kael,” she puffed. She still had the butterfly knife clenched in her left hand.

I withdrew from her, and with gentle hands, I lifted her until she lay on her back against my pillows. She stared at me from beneath tired, heavy eyelids, and I kissed her lips softly. “Stay here. I’ll be right back.”

She lifted a floppy hand. “I’m dead. I can’t move anyway.”

I chuckled and headed for the bathroom. After cleaning myself off and finding my boxers, I grabbed a towel and a warm, wet washcloth and returned to her. Mattie’s eyes flared wide when she saw me. “What are you doing with that?”

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