Page 41 of The Brides Brother

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“Evelyn?” I called when I saw who it was.

“Uh,” she said, staring at me, and I understood then. She wanted to return but didn’t know how not to be awkward around me.

“We fucked,” I told her. “Not a big deal. Just sit down and talk. Surely that can't be more difficult or more intimate.”

I said it so nonchalantly that it amused me, and when I lifted my head to hers, I found that she as well was nearly doubling over.

We shared a smile, and then a small laugh, and then she came over and sat by my side. For the first few moments after, we were quiet, and I realized just how comfortable I felt. There was something about her that was so comfortable and reassuring. There was no pressure to speak, at least on my part, but soon enough she did and, to my delight, noted the sky the exact way I had.

“Striking,” she said. “The stars, I mean. I don’t know why, though, but it makes me feel a bit lonely?”

My gaze lowered to hers then, and she seemed to panic.

“I mean, I’m not saying I’m lonely, it's just that it's so vast and it just makes the world seem so impossibly big, though it's beautiful. But not everything that's beautiful is completely great, I guess.”

She kept rambling, and I kept listening, and it was highly entertaining, to say the least. Then she eventually noticed how nervous she sounded and just stopped. This amused me even more.

My gaze lowered to her lips then, and the biggest urge to kiss her hit. However, I restrained myself.

“Sorry,” she said. “I'm not nervous, but I tend to just talk when I feel awkward.”

“You feel awkward around me?” I asked, and she smiled.

“How could I not.”

“Yeah,” I replied and looked away, my attention lowering to my feet.

“Have you been enjoying the party so far?” she asked.

I nodded in response. “

Things are going smoothly, at least from my end. It must be chaos from Victoria’s.”

At this, she went silent, and I wondered why till I realized that I had just once again mentioned the person she was probably the least fond of. I turned to her then, and although she was looking away from me, I didn't miss the disgusted look on her face. It was quite amusing, to say the least.

“She irks you that much?” I asked, and she sighed.

“She does, true. I don’t even think about her, but she keeps wanting me to think about her, and I cannot understand why. Or does it just give her joy to see me annoyed?”

“What did she come over to trouble you with this time around?” I asked. However, she went silent again. She looked at me, and then she smiled.

“Unimportant. Uh, Aurora seems happy.”

“She is whenever her fiancé is around. They're really good together.”

“Yeah,” I replied. “The way he looks at her is magical. I managed to capture some of that. She’ll love it.”

“There’s a magical way to look at someone?” I asked, and she turned to me. She met my eyes then, and for the few seconds afterward, I, for some reason, found it extremely hard to breathe. And in that moment, I knew the answer to the question that I had just asked, and I looked away.

“Yes,” she said. “You might not even notice when you’re doing it, but other people might.”

“Okay,” I replied and wished to God that I had something to drink right then.

It was time to leave, I was sure, however, I didn't want to just yet. I wanted to know a bit more

about her. But then, at the end of the day, I decided that there was no benefit to this. Only trouble. So, I asked something else instead.

“Are you still sticking by your resolution from earlier this evening?”

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