Page 38 of The Brides Brother

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"Your phone is with you, right?" I asked, and she pulled it out of the purse she had in her hand.

"Of course, always."

"Victoria said she couldn't reach you," I said, and she turned the screen towards me.

"Not true. No missed calls."

"Of course," I said, and she continued on her way.

Chapter Twenty


I had never felt so out of place. All the guests who had arrived so far were standing outside of the mansion, waiting for the chauffeured cars to drive us to the restaurant. And there I was, in kitten heels with my camera. I didn't particularly need any bells and whistles for tonight, so this was a relief. But this, I was beginning to see, might be the only comfort I would receive.

More guests had arrived, important people probably that I didn't know, and they all chatted in clusters. Aurora wasn’t out yet, and neither was Drake, so I was forced to scroll through my phone and social media to distract myself.

"We’re ready to leave," one of Victoria’s assistants finally announced, and one by one sleek dark cars began to fill up. All in all, we seemed to be about fifteen people, which wasn’t too much of a crowd, I guessed, for an opening dinner. I wondered for a moment as I watched the cars.

I wondered if it would be best to go with them. However, when I thought of Aurora, I decided against it. I would have waited by her room, at least to capture some photos, but I had only been able to do that in the beginning, and when her dress had still been on the rack before she had politely asked me to leave. Her fiancé had called her, and I could see that something was making her upset that they needed to talk about, so I had immediately excused myself. I looked towards the entrance to the home once again and hoped that she would be out soon.

"Oh, you're here," I heard Victoria's voice seemingly out of nowhere, and I sighed. I considered ignoring her; however, this would probably set the tone for the rest of the night and be the last thing I wanted, so I worked up a smile and turned to her.

"Yes, I am," I replied. However, I was forced to stop for a moment because she looked absolutely stunning.

My eyebrows raised at the sight of her, and of course, she didn't miss this.

"Great dress, right?" she asked, and I gave her a look.

"It's a bit much, don't you think?" I asked as my eyes ran down the actual bells and whistles on the fabric. It was a dramatic flare from the waist with intricate beading and flowers. It was a nice dress, but as I looked at her again, I couldn’t help but point out a very important fact.

"You're not the bride; you do know this, don’t you?" I asked, and she frowned. "Aurora's wearing a very simple pink dress. You're more dressed up than she is."

"That’s not my problem," she replied. "I arranged a brilliant selection of outfits for her for the week as well as several stylists so that she would outshine everyone. If she decided to ignore all of that and wear something simple instead, then again, that’s not my problem."

With that, she turned around to leave, and I was glad to be left alone.

Just then, there was movement from the entrance, and I turned. Aurora appeared; however, she wasn’t alone. She had her brother by her side, and she had her arm in his.

My heart skipped a beat as I took him in, dressed impeccably in a velvet blazer with a crisp white shirt. I was suddenly parched because it had to be illegal the way he filled his clothes up so sinfully. He was all muscle and breath and so heartrendingly handsome that I had to look away to regain my sanity.

"Fuck," I sighed under my breath and could do nothing but turn to my camera for some element of focus. After all, I was supposed to be working. And after turning it on, I headed towards them and took the shots I needed for both him and Aurora and, of course, of her getting into the car. The moment she noticed me, she waved heartily, and I felt a profane sense of relief.

“Let's ride together, Evelyn," she said, and I nodded. I was a bit surprised, though, because I was expecting that she would do so with either her brother or fiancé, but this was apparently not the case. What I found out soon enough, though, was that this was going to be the case because instead of riding beside her, I was sitting in the front seat while the two of them rode in the back.

I had to work through it all, so of course, I kept taking pictures. The sight of them in the back, and every time I turned round to take a shot of them speaking to each other, all I could think about was what his cock tasted like. I had really shot myself in the foot with this one because I couldn’t imagine how I was going to survive the car ride to the restaurant, much less the night.

"Evelyn, did you bring comfortable shoes?" she suddenly asked just as I took a shot. Her brother turned right at that moment, and even though it was through the lens, our eyes met. I immediately looked away and faced forward.

"My heels are low, so I didn’t need to," I replied.

"We’re going to go out to the beach afterward," she said, "but I'm sure there will be provisions for the shoes. Victoria should have made arrangements."

"It's okay; I can walk barefoot as well," I said, however, I soon came to instantly regret that because of what her brother said in response.

"There could be broken bottles or other dangerous things in the sand. You should absolutely not walk barefoot."

At his words and the harshness of it, a slight chill seemed to permeate the car. Even the chauffeur turned for a moment to glance at me and then up at him through the rearview mirror.

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