Page 31 of Whiteout

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Not a crumb left behind as evidence he’d ever been there.

Face it, girl. He left you. If he was even real at all.

Okay, Breanna did not believe Sinjin was simply a figment of her vivid imagination, but the fact she woke up all alone remained. And what did that tell her?

It was just sex.

A wild, delicious tryst with a stranger in the storm. And when the snow stopped falling, it was over. She knew it would be. But Breanna never thought the fucker would just leave her to fend for herself—with a concussion, no less—stranded in a cabin in the woods.

It was obvious, wasn’t it? Rather than suffer through an awkward parting of ways, Sinjin slinked out of their haven at the first sign of sunlight. Without a second thought or a backward glance, I bet. Breanna supposed she should be grateful he put her bag back in her car before they towed it off the mountain. He must’ve, right? How else could Jordy have gotten it?

She punched the pillow.

Because the more she thought about it, Breanna wasn’t grateful.

She was pissed.

At herself, mostly.

For thinking with her vagina.

The black void outside the window beginning to lighten, Breanna gave up. She switched the bedside lamp on. Her Mac rested there on the night table beside her. Six a.m. Seeing she had a gazillion messages from Kayleigh, she typed one back. A nanosecond later, the FaceTime app flashed on the screen.

“About damn time. I thought you were dead…abducted by aliens…or…” Her friend stared at her like that’s exactly what she was. “Jesus Christ, you look like shit. What the hell happened?”

“Gee, thanks.” She made a face, fingering the hideous bump on her forehead.

After filling Kayleigh in on everything that had transpired since her last text on Saturday, albeit a sanitized version, Breanna asked for a favor, “Since I’m stuck here until my car is fixed, can you send me some more clothes? I only packed for a weekend.”

“Sure, I’m leaving for my mom’s this afternoon. I can stop at FedEx on the way.” With a smirk, Kayleigh pursed her lips to the side. “What do you need, exactly?”

“God, everything. Pants, sweaters, undies…” She shrugged. “Throw in that bra that makes my boobs pop—the teal one with the thong that matches.”

“Trying to impress the lawyer guy?”

“God, no, but you should see this place.” Breanna flipped her Mac around, offering Kayleigh a panoramic view. “And that’s just my bedroom.”



“I got you, babe,” Kayleigh assured her.

“I’ll Cash App you to cover it.”

“No problem.” She worried her lip. “Have you, uh, told your mom?”

Do I really have to?

“Not yet.”

“Ohhh, good luck with that.”

Yeah, she was going to need it.

Following a long, indulgent shower, with her makeup on and a fresh blowout, Breanna sat criss-cross applesauce in her underwear, rifling through her duffel. She’d have to make do with the clothes she brought until Friday, at least. Opting to save the sweater dress for the Thanksgiving bash she hadn’t planned on being here for, she only had a pair of ripped-up skinny jeans or leggings to choose from.

Gah, I wore leggings yesterday.

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