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“Six o’clock, Kelly.” He grinned into the phone. “Be ready for me.”

She was.

He went to Beanie’s first, only for Kevin to inform him his aunt wasn’t there. “She left as soon I came in. Got herself a hot date or somethin’.”

“Oh, yeah?”

“Yeah.” He nodded, the corner of his mouth lifting. “She had that look, you know?”

Raising his brow, Kodiak gave him a look of his own.

“Dopey grin and shit.” Kevin winked. “Watch the eyelashes. If they get all fluttery, it’s a done deal. You got ‘em.”

He pressed his lips together to stop himself from laughing. Sure, kid.

Shoulders exposed, Kelly answered the door in a sheer, flouncy blouse. Skintight jeans with rips in all the right places. Little suede boots.

Sweet Jesus.

Leaning in to kiss her cheek, he inhaled. Kodiak closed his eyes, sweet strawberries, a whisper of red apple, vanilla orchid, jasmine, and golden rum flirting with his senses. “Ready?”

“You said six, didn’t you?” Taking a step back, Kelly smirked. “Just let me grab my purse.”

A girl who actually understood the concept of time—how novel was that?

She returned, a sweater now covering the graceful slope of her shoulders. “Where are we going? Charley’s?”

“Nah.” He watched her close the door, making sure it was locked behind her. “I go there all the time. What do you feel like?”

“Um, anything. I’m not picky when it comes to food.”

My kind of girl.

“C’mon. There’s plenty of places to choose from on the way.” Kodiak took her hand in his, and lacing their fingers together, they strolled along the avenue beneath the setting sun.

The evening breeze was mild, for late September anyway. It wouldn’t last much longer, but for today, folks were taking advantage of it. Tossing a ball in the park. Grabbing a hot dog at a food cart on the sidewalk.

Kelly stopped, pointing to a restaurant up ahead at the corner. “Killer margaritas.”

“You thirsty, Snicks?”

“No.” She giggled, holding onto his arm. “Well, yeah, but Cesar’s has killer Tex-Mex too.”

“Guess that’s what’s for dinner then.” His hand slipped around her waist. “We can save water and drink tequila.”

Surprisingly, their patio was open. Kodiak was glad for that. With the place packed to the brim with happy hour and dinner patrons, he was hoping for a spot that was a little less boisterous. Where they could hear each other talk. A place where he could breathe. The hostess did him a solid, giving them a table on the rooftop.

“Is this okay? It’s not too cold for you, is it?”

“Are you kidding? I love it up here.” But she pulled her sweater tighter. “It’s so nice out. We should enjoy it. God knows it could start snowing next weekend.”

“Hush, you.” He chuckled, taking the seat across from her. “You’ll jinx us.”

“Sorry, my friend, but summer’s over.” Kelly glanced up from her menu. “There’s a cold front coming.”

“I like the cold…the snow. Can’t say I’m fond of shoveling it, though.” Gazing back at her, Kodiak nodded. “I loved it in Alaska. Had dreams of building a home there once.”

“Why’d you leave then?”

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