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“I suppose we should,” Kelly agreed. Taking her seat, she reached for the popcorn and pulled her feet up. “God, I love this stuff.”

“Kevin’s not here?”

“No.” She popped a handful of kernels into her mouth. “He’s on a bus to Madison. Away game.”

It’s a Netflix and chill night for Auntie Kelly.

“Can I use your restroom?”

“Of course.” She pointed him in the right direction. “Straight through there.”

Kelly chugged down her glass of wine and quickly poured another. What was he doing in there? Besides the obvious, that is. Do guys do anything to get ready for sex? Freshen up the goods? Fix their hair? Pop a breath mint? Because they were definitely going to. Isn’t that what getting to know each other better really means?

Wondering if she had enough time to down her second glass and pour herself a third before Kodiak came out of the bathroom, Kelly scrolled through the meager offerings on Netflix. She’d seen everything worth watching already.

Too late. The opportunity to not look like a lush passed. He stepped out of her room, looking much the same as when he went in. Rich chocolate waves flowed down to touch his waist. Longer than her own, he often pulled it back in a braid or a man bun. Not today. Thick and luxurious, it hung loose, just waiting for her fingers to run through it.

Pushing his sleeves up to his elbows, Kodiak showed off those veiny, muscled forearms of his and glanced her way. He smirked. “What?”

“I don’t recall saying anything.” Kelly raised her glass to her lips.

“You didn’t have to.” He sat down beside her, pulling her feet onto his lap. “Your face does all the talking for you.”


“You play a mean game of poker, don’t you?”

“I suck.”

He grinned. “I know.”

“At poker.” Laughing, she threw a piece of popcorn at him.

A moment of silence followed. Then Kodiak began rubbing her foot. Pressing his thumbs deep into the sole, Kelly closed her eyes, tipping her head back with a moan.

“Did you ever have a boyfriend, Kelly?”

“I did in high school…college,” she said, fixing her gaze on him. “And then I didn’t.”

“What made you switch teams?”

“Stacy.” Glancing up at the exposed ductwork in the loft’s ceiling, Kelly shrugged. “I met Stacy.”

He released his hold on her foot. “Did you love her?”

“She was what I needed at the time.”

With a nod, Kodiak picked up the other foot and started rubbing. “Do you want kids one day?”

Were they playing twenty questions now? Because where on Earth did that come from? While she always pictured herself with a kid or two someday, she wasn’t sure how to answer him.

“I don’t know. Maybe.” She pursed her lips, tilting her head to the side. “I could get artificially inseminated, I guess—if I ever decide I want a baby.”

“You don’t have to do that.” He slid his hand up her calf.

“That’s how lesbians get babies.”

“You’re not a lesbian.” Sniggering, Kodiak squeezed her knee.

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