Page 82 of The Third Son

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He didn’t kiss her after, either. The fucker stumbled into the other room and never came back. Maybe he was drunk and passed out. Arien couldn’t think of any other reasonable explanation.

Being her bladder was about to burst, she got out of bed. Immediately upon rising, thin, milky liquid ran down her thighs. The remains of what her husbands had left inside her. It felt like pee. “Gross.”

Clenching her thighs together so it wouldn’t drip onto the floor, Arien hobbled into the en suite and relieved herself. Jesus. She hadn’t paid much attention to it when she came in here last night, but this bathroom was glorious. Triple vanity—of course. An enormous walk-in shower, and a big soaker tub.

The entire suite of rooms was pretty darn impressive, actually. After her shower, she stripped the sheets off the bed and went on a self-guided tour. Floor-to-ceiling windows with a stunning view of the horses grazing in the paddock, the stream, and the ridgeline beyond. Stone fireplace. Walk-in closets connected to the bathroom on either side. A lounge area with a TV that took up just about an entire wall. Pulling the throw down off the back, Arien sat on the goose-down stuffed sofa, and held it to her nose.

It smelled like Kellan.

Tanner was the first one through the door. She’d just gotten their lunch ready, and running to him, Arien clasped her hands around his neck to bring his lips to hers. Dirty and sweaty, she didn’t care. His hands dropping to her ass, she slung her legs around his waist, kissing him with a voracious hunger that came out of nowhere.

“Damn, girl.” He kissed her crown as her toes touched the floor.

She whirled around, just as hungry for Kellan. Before she could throw herself at him, his arm came around her waist and he pecked her cheek. “Lemme go wash up.”

“But I missed you,” Arien called out after him. “I woke up all alone and—”

“Ranch can’t run itself.”

The fuck?

Tears sprang to her eyes. Dashing them away, she turned back to Tanner. He shrugged. “I think he’s hung over. Been a moody fucker all mornin’.” Taking her in his arms, he kissed her forehead. “Sorry you woke up ’fore we got back. Figured you’d sleep ’til noon after yesterday.”

“I didn’t.”

“Well, we’re home now, pretty girl. Griff and the boys got it from here.” He grinned, toying with a lock of her hair. “Dad took Grams to Jackson for the day, so we’ve got the house all to ourselves.”

“Oh, yeah?”

And he waggled his brows. “Yeah.”

After a meal that Kellan barely spoke a word through, they went upstairs. Tanner went straight for the shower. His brother sat down in a wide wingback chair by the window, like a king taking his throne.

Grabbing her by the hand, he jerked her toward him. “Ride me.”


He smirked, and pushing his jeans down his legs, Kellan started fisting his cock. “Take those off. And ride me, just like I taught ya.”

His molten-chocolate eyes never leaving hers, Arien bit her lip, and sliding her shorts down her thighs, she did as he said.

“I’m gonna watch you get yourself off.” He pulled her down onto his knee. “Now slide that pussy back and forth on me.”

Kellan dug his fingers into her ass. Pulling her forward and pushing her back, he maneuvered her on his leg. With her pussy splayed open on his skin, her clit pressed up against the bone. Arien grabbed onto his shoulders for leverage. Fuck, it felt so good. Her head tipping back, she took over the movement on her own. And he let go.

She watched him watching her as he stroked his cock. Arien had half a mind to bend over and taste the precum that oozed from his tip. She started to, and snickering, Kellan nudged her away.

“That’s it. Look at your pussy drippin’ juice all over me,” he huskily murmured, biting into her nipple. “You need my dick…need a fucking so bad, don’t you?”

She did, but couldn’t answer.

With a twist of her nipples, Kellan demanded one. “Don’t you?”

“Please, Kel.”

He tapped on her bottom with his fingers. “I’m taking that ass before you give it to Tanner.” Kellan moved her up onto his belly. Sliding her pussy on his hard abs, Arien burrowed her face in his neck as he worked his finger into her. “Want to fuck it ’til you bleed.”

She whimpered.
