Page 64 of The Third Son

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“About what?”

“Denver.” He tightened his fists. “I gotta know.”

“Maybe you should try talkin’ to her.”

Kellan let out a mirthless laugh.

“Okay, maybe not.” Tanner raked his fingers through his hair. “Don’t know what Arien’s fixin’ to do, but if she decides to go and there’s no stoppin’ her, then I’ll be goin’ with her.”

“You ain’t serious.”

“Sure am.” Nodding, he turned away to ladle himself another cup of punch. “Not gonna lose her, Kel. I love her.”

“You think I don’t?” Head cocked, Kellan turned him back around.

“No, Kel. I know you do.”

“You’re not goin’ anywhere and she ain’t, neither.” Seething, he slammed the plastic cup down on the table. “Bet your sweet ass on that.”

They all sat together in the hospital waiting room. After complaining of her back hurting at Arien’s graduation and all day today, Jennifer was in a room down the hall having the baby. His dad was with her. He and Kellan had visited with her early on. Attached to a bunch of hardware, she started hollering something awful, so they took their leave. Seemed to Tanner, the horses and cows had a much easier time birthing than humans did.

“Why’s it taking so long?” Yawning, Arien laid her head on his shoulder.

He glanced at the clock on the beige-painted wall, running his fingers through her hair. They’d been here since suppertime. It was after three in the morning already. “Don’t rightly know, pretty girl.”

“Calves drop when they’re good and ready. All there is to it.” Hands clasped behind his head, Kellan didn’t bother opening his eyes.

“Are you comparing our brother or sister to a baby cow?”

He sniggered. “Both of ’em come out the same way, ’cept mama cows don’t yell so much.”

“You’re horrible.” But Arien was giggling too.

At least they were talking a bit. He’d take it.

Another hour went by before their dad, looking worn out, his grin a mile wide, poked his head in the waiting room. “Who wants to come meet their new baby brother?”

“It’s a boy?” Jumping out of her chair, Arien gasped like she couldn’t quite believe it.

Matthew squeezed her shoulder, beaming with pride. “A big boy. Nine pounds.”

“Is Mom okay?” Holding onto their hands, she followed their father down the hall.

“Your mama’s just fine.”

Looking a helluva lot better than the last time Tanner had seen her, Jennifer was sitting up in bed, a blanket-wrapped bundle in her arms. Cooing at the baby, she smiled. “Benjamin, your brothers and sister are here.”

“His name’s Benjamin?” Arien squeaked.

Huddled together, the three of them leaned over the bed to take a closer look. Dark hair. His eyes were closed, so he couldn’t tell what color they were. Tanner reckoned he was a fine-looking boy. “He’s got our dimple, Kel.”

“Yeah, he does.”

“He looks a lot like your daddy, don’t he?”

Guess so. He just grinned.

“Awww, he’s so cute.” The baby curled his little fist around Arien’s finger. “Can I hold him?”
