Page 62 of The Third Son

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She nodded.


Arien plopped down on her bed. How had everything gotten so fucked up?

Because you went ahead and fucked yourself, that’s how.

She hadn’t meant to. Arien didn’t plan on saying anything about the letter at all, unless she came to the decision she was going to go. It sat in her backpack, untouched. She hadn’t been able to bring herself to pick up a pen and sign it.

But then she hadn’t been able to commit herself to staying here, either.

And what gave Kellan the right to speak for her like she didn’t have a mind of her own? He and Tanner believing in all that ‘power of three’ mumbo jumbo. Dreams and visions and ‘the earth provides’ bullshit. Chrissakes. It’s a lie. A fantastic, wonderful, beautiful lie, but a lie just the same.

“Look around you, Arien. What do you see?”

It surrounded her, abounding everywhere she looked. Beauty, wealth, abundance, prosperity, community. But more than that, more than any other thing, she saw love.

Absolute love.

And that sure as hell didn’t feel like a lie.

Tiptoeing across the hall, she sat on his unmade bed. Leather, musk, and wicked sin, he was everywhere. Yet the room felt so empty without him.

Pulling his pillow onto her lap, something fell from the linen case. Retrieving it, Arien held it in her fingers. A photo of herself taken last year for the high school yearbook. She flipped it over. Three hearts. And like yarn being wound, emotion gathered in her throat.

“This is where you belong, Arien.”

She pulled the letter from her backpack, and scanning the contents one last time, she tossed it in the trash.

They were so close.

If Tanner moved even a fraction of an inch, he’d ruin her.

And Kellan would never forgive him.


He kissed her, and sliding the underside of his dick over her clit, he hit the spot. Friction, wet and perfect. The delicate build, slow and deeply carnal. “You love me, pretty girl?”

Gasping for air, Arien stopped to lick her lips. “Ahh…you know I do…please.”

The bundle of nerves beneath his head being particularly sensitive, Tanner remained patient, leaning into the sensations her body provided as opposed to fighting them. What was the point anyhow? Besides, the payoff was always worth it.

“Gonna stay with me, baby?”

Thighs shaking, her head thrashed against the pillow. A guttural sound erupted from deep within her throat.

It triggered him. His body seizing, mind numb, Tanner gave in. And growling, he came on her sweaty, hot skin.

Arien curled into him. Her head on his chest, he played with her hair and pressed a kiss to her crown. There had to be a way to fix this. Make everything good again. But he wasn’t sure how.

Kellan had closed himself off again, shut her out, just as Tanner predicted he would.

He rubbed her back, feeling the goosebumps surface on her skin, and gently squeezed her bottom. “C’mon, you better get in the shower. Only takes you forever and a day.”

“Does not.”

“It does.” Tickling her ribs, she giggled. “And you know it. Wouldn’t wanna be late for your graduation, now would ya?”
