Page 54 of The Third Son

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“What’d I tell you about smokin’, girl?” Wrinkling his nose, Griffin waved her smoke away from his face. “Now put that nasty thing out.”

“Gonna make me?” Taking a drag, she smirked.

“I’ll bend you over my lap and spank your ass ’til it bleeds.”

“But, Griffy, you know how much I like it when you do that.” Arching her penciled-on brow, Cassie’s tongue peeked out to slowly wet her lips.

Griffy? Okayyy. Arien had to bury her face in Kellan’s neck to contain her laughter.

Shiloh rolled her eyes. “Shut the fuck up, Cassie.”

“And I won’t be kissin’ you, neither.”

He kissed her sister instead.

She dropped the cigarette to the floor, stomping on it with her boot.

“It’s thunderin’ out there.” Kellan smacked Arien’s lips and helped her off his lap. “Let’s have us that dance and go home.”

“Yeah, c’mon, little sister.” Tanner grabbed her left hand.

Kellan took the right.

Her stepbrothers. Her cowboys. Her loves.

She smiled, her gaze flicking between them. “Well, when you ask me like that, how can I say no?”

Lips at her ear, cinnamon fanned her face. “You can’t.”

“We won’t let ya.” Tanner pulled her to stand.

And they led her out to the floor.

Kellan drove them home, pulses of lightning illuminating the mountainous landscape. While not totally unheard of, thunderstorms in Brookside were unusual this time of year. Heck, it was snowing just last week. But these last few days of April had been unseasonably warm, heating up the atmosphere.

The dark skies opened, unleashing a torrential downpour, before they made it to the driveway.

Dashing through the rain with her stepbrothers right behind her, Arien was first up the stairs. Soaked to the bone, she made a beeline for the shower. She’d felt grubby before they left the dance, and now, peeling the dress from her skin, she felt worse.

This had to be a soap up, rinse off, get in, and get out kind of thing. She remembered reading about some guy getting struck by lightning in the shower once. It can travel through plumbing—who knew? Arien wasn’t sure if that still held true, since pipes were mostly plastic nowadays, but better safe than sorry. She wasn’t about to risk being electrocuted, and having them find her naked, wet, and dead.

It was the quickest darn shower she ever took.

But she took her time massaging body oil into her still-damp skin. Arien deeply inhaled the mandarin and berries infusing the air, fingertips skimming across her breasts and down her tummy, then exhaled on a sigh. Now what?

Get in bed and wait to see if one of them comes to her?

Be bold, tiptoe across the hall, and play “Eenie, Meeny, Miny, Moe” to pick a door?

“I can’t,” she said to herself, slipping into a pink cotton bralette and thong.

Thinking of them, her nipples stood out against the fabric. Arien liked the way they looked, how the top supported her breasts, making them appear plump and round. She turned from side to side in the mirror, inspecting her curves. Hmm…not bad. Her tushy still jiggled a little, but she’d toned up some since coming here. And anyway, Kellan seemed to like it—chrissakes, he was grabbing it all the damn time.

“All right.” She giggled. “Time to go to bed.”

Arien switched off the lamp on her bedside table.

Lightning flashed through the glass.
