Page 89 of Maelstrom

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Not close enough.

“Take me out.”

Katelyn popped the button on his jeans and lowered the zipper. She reached inside and pulled his dick free, watching it fill in her fingers. Then, slow and firm, she began to stroke him. A drop of precum beaded at the tip. She rubbed it around his head with her thumb and brought it to her mouth.

“Baby, just you wait until I get you home.”

He didn’t even wait until they got inside the house.

Brendan pushed her onto the hood of the ’Vette, pulled her jeans down her legs, and buried his face in her warm, wet cunt. He fucked her with his tongue, clamped her clit between his teeth, mercilessly sucking on it until she screamed.

“Feel better yet?”

“Not yet,” she panted.

He reached into his back pocket, pulled a condom out of his wallet, then tossed it on the hood. “I’m gonna fuck you right here then.”

Her jeans were stuck on her boots, puddled at her ankles. Brendan lifted her legs, folding her in half, and with one thrust he was all the way inside her hot, wet heaven.

“I missed this tight, little cunt on my dick.”

He pounded into her, got off hearing her little whimpers with every slap of flesh.

“Fuck, Brendan.” She clung to his arms. “Yes, fuck.”

He stopped to let her legs down and pull off her boots and her pants.

“No, baby. Don’t stop.” Tears ran down her cheeks. “Put it back in me.”

“Sweet girl.”

He ran his fingers through her slit and plunged back inside her. Brendan slid his hands under her back and lifted her from the car, impaling Katelyn on his cock. He moved her body up and down on it as he backed her into the garage wall, caging her with his body.

Then he thrust up inside her as far as he could go.

“Yes,” she mewled, thrashing her head on the wall.

He thrust again. Harder. She bit her lip and moaned.

“That’s my good girl.” He thrust again. “Take it.”

She did.

Brendan let himself go, plunging inside her soft pussy again and again and again.

Katelyn was home.

And he was home inside her.

“Did we just fuck?”

Brendan gently eased her away from the garage wall and lowered her to the floor.

“Baby, with us it’s never gonna be just fucking, but I’ll make love to you when we get upstairs.” He winked and patted her behind.

He made love to her in the shower, and again on the hammock bed. Katie lay in the crook of his arm, sheltered by the warmth of his body, as he played with her hair. With Brendan, she felt safe, loved, protected—not that she ever felt unloved or unsafe before. But her place in the world made sense when they were together. And with him is where she wanted to be.

She felt his kiss on her crown. “I’m going to start looking for someone to help manage the Red Door.”
