Page 87 of Maelstrom

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“How much?”

“She’s taking in about half a mil a year.” Kodiak shrugged. “That’s pocket change to guys like Rollins.”

Whatever Salena was up to, it was bigger than her obsession with Kyan or Dillon, more than revenge against him, and reached further than the Red Door.

Yeah, he’d underestimated her.

“It’s not adding up. We’re missing something.” Brendan rubbed his finger back and forth across his lip. “What’s she doing with Brantley?”

“That’s what we’re gonna find out.”

When Katelyn said she lived in Nowheresville, she wasn’t kidding. He was almost in Iowa, for fuck’s sake. Not really, but it seemed like it. He’d seen nothing but snow-covered corn fields since he got off the interstate.

Brendan came to a four-way stop. His GPS told him to turn right. He’d gone about a mile when a house strung in multicolored Christmas lights finally came into view. Big front porch. Trucks in the driveway. The mailbox said Copeland.

He pulled in behind a red Ford Raptor and Katelyn came running out the front door. No coat. He got out of his car and wrapped her inside his. She hugged him like they’d been apart five years and not just five days.

“Sweetheart, you’re going to catch pneumonia out here like that.”

They swayed from side to side on the driveway in his coat. She felt good. Warm. His.

“I couldn’t wait one more second.” She squeezed him tighter. “I missed you.”

“I missed you too, baby.” He kissed her crown. “Let’s get you back inside.”

“Wait.” She smiled from beneath her lashes, shivering against him. “I want to give you something first.” Katelyn scooted around to the passenger side and they both got in. She handed him a small wrapped box.

“We agreed, sweetheart. No presents.”

“I lied.” She winked. “Kevin helped me. It was supposed to be for your birthday.”

Thin bands of braided black leather were attached to a small hammered plate of silver. There were numbers engraved on it. Coordinates.

41.9398° N

87.6589° W

She fastened the bracelet to his wrist as he had done with hers. “The coordinates of Coventry Park. Where we met.”

“God, I love you.”

Can a heart explode? Because it felt to him like his could. This girl. She kept right on squeezing that muscle in his chest. Brendan took her face in his hands and kissed her. He would have hauled her over the console into his lap if he could’ve.

“And I love you,” she whispered.

Katelyn brought him in the house and hung up his coat. It was a modest home, from what he could see. Neat. Comfortable and cozy.

She took his hand and whispered, “My mom and her sisters are in the kitchen, but my dad and Kevin are in the family room.”

“Why are you whispering?” he whispered back.

Then she laughed. “I don’t know.”


She raised one shoulder and pursed her lips. “Maybe a little.”

“It’s your family.” He kissed her forehead. “I love you.”
