Page 46 of Maelstrom

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“I did.” Monica nodded and winked. “He’s a good man, but I think you already know that.”

The house lights went dark, leaving the flameless candles on the tables as the only source of light. Chloe called out for Katie to join her by the bar.

“Go on, sweetie. I’m sure we’ll be seeing each other.”

Kyan took her hand from Monica. “Well, that’s everyone. I’m sure Brendan will be back soon. He just went to check on things.” And he brought her over to the bar.

Chloe handed Katie a cold glass of champagne and took the old one out of her hand. She’d barely taken a sip out of it. “Why’d the lights go out?”

“Oh.” Chloe giggled. “It’s showtime.”


Chloe put an arm around her waist and they went to the railing that overlooked the main floor. “See the stage down there and that big-screen right in front of you?”

She nodded. “Yes.”

“How do I put this?” Chloe pursed her lips. “Brendan can explain it better than I will, but this isn’t a typical sex club—it’s sex positive. That means that everyone’s preferences, whatever they might be, are accepted here. And part of what the club does is teach people, um, how to do certain things safely. Since there’s a party here tonight we’re having kind of Halloween-themed, um…” She tilted her head from side to side while she thought. “…adult entertainment. Look, I know you’re an adult, but…” Chloe paused.


“I have to warn you, the entertainment can be pretty graphic—like X-rated explicit. Nothing is left to the imagination, get me? Tonight is all for show, but if you’re not comfortable we can hang out somewhere you don’t have to watch, okay?”

Now she was really intrigued.

“Look at me.” Katie laughed. “I’m standing here in my underwear. It can’t get more uncomfortable than that. I think I’ll be just fine.”

“Okay then, but just say the word if you change your mind. I know it’s a lot to take in.” And Chloe hugged her, rocking her from side to side. “I’m so glad you came to see him.”

Katie let out a brief chuckle. “My plan was to blend in and, um, observe. Not to see him, actually.” She fiddled with the ruffle on her sleeve. “Unless I got very brave because I don’t think he’d like it that I’m here. But I needed to know—to make sure.”

“Know what?”

“What he does here…and…and if seeing him again.” She stopped and glanced up to the dark void in the ceiling. “It sounds so stupid to say it out loud. If seeing him gave me butterflies.”

Chloe grinned. Even in the dark Katie could make out her bright white smile. “Oh, I have a feeling with Brendan butterflies are guaranteed, sweetie.”

The club music stopped and the hiss of a fog machine could be heard. Slow, sultry music with a dark hypnotic vibe began to fill the club as a red spotlight eerily illuminated the fog-filled stage. Venery’s rhythm guitarist and shirtless drummer joined them at the railing.

“Isn’t that the theme from Vikings?” Katie thought the music was familiar.

“It is.” Matt winked. “Fever Ray. Great track, even if it is all synthesizer.”

Says the guitar player.

“The vamps are next.” Chloe was getting a little bouncy holding onto the railing. “I love all things vampire. I still mourn the cancelation of True Blood. It was my favorite show. And The Vampire Diaries. Until they killed that one too.”

Bo nudged his way in between Katie and Chloe, putting an arm around each of them. “Vampires never die, baby girl. They exist forever on Netflix.”

Katie couldn’t help it. He made her laugh.

And once she started laughing she couldn’t seem to stop. There she was, cast in a glow of red light, sandwiched between two rock stars she’d never have imagined meeting, in a sex club, barely dressed. The absurdity of it all wasn’t lost on her.

Katie turned her head slightly toward Bo. His thumb casually skimming the skin on her neck. He just smiled. A wicked little smile on the face of a beautiful angel. She leaned forward a bit and noticed he was giving Chloe much the same attention on the other side.

Matt McCready casually leaned onto the railing with one booted foot. He rested his left elbow upon it, with his chin in his hand, and his right arm around her waist. Katie looked at him and he straightened, but he didn’t let go of her.

His hand squeezed her side. “You okay?”
