Page 2 of Maelstrom

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Brendan sat up in the dark, alone in the middle of his big bed. For a moment he could have sworn he smelled the sweet scent of jasmine. He shook the cobwebs of the dream from his mind, laid back down, and closed his eyes.

Take the light with you, sweet girl.

I’m used to the darkness anyway.

“Come on, baby.”

Dillon was balls deep inside of Gillian, who clutched at his shoulders as she straddled his thighs. Brendan knew it couldn’t be easy taking two men their size inside you, no matter how much you wanted it. How much you begged for it. And Gillian, one of their weekend bartenders, had been begging for weeks. Dillon needed the distraction and he was tired of her incessant pleading, so here he was in a private alcove slowly pushing his dick in her ass.

He wasn’t getting very far.

“Relax, Gillie,” he crooned.

Brendan soothingly rubbed her back in an attempt to get her to relax, so she could open up and take him. She was so fucking tense, her asshole clamped shut so tight on the head of his dick, that he feared it might get stuck in there and never come back out.

“Rub her clit, Dill.”


Admittedly, he wasn’t at all into this scene. And if Gillian were to be honest with herself, she wasn’t either. Sometimes, a fantasy is best left as just that. An imaginary vision in your head to get yourself off with—or whatever. It was his cousin she really wanted to fuck anyway, not him. Sadly, she was about to find out that reality almost never lived up to the expectations you built in your mind.

Dillon would never be into her like she dreamed of.

Brendan and Dillon were the only remaining bachelors of the four cousins. Jesse was married with a two-month-old baby at home and Kyan was as good as married—his wedding to Linnea only a little more than a month away. They rarely came to the club anymore, unless it was for business, so he and Dillon were left to their vices on their own.

Well, that wasn’t exactly true. The Venery boys were here quite often. He could use one of them to take his place here right about now, because no matter what he and Dillon did, his big dick wasn’t getting in.

Brendan patted Gillian on the back and tweaked her nipples. “Hold on.”

If this is going to work she needs a smaller dick.

Not that Matt had a pencil dick or anything like that, but most chicks looked at his dick as if they were about to be skewered like a pig on a spit. That was one of the reasons Brendan pretty much only fucked at the club. The female membership here knew very well that not only could he bring them pleasure—or pain, their choice—but that he knew their limits. And Gillian was at her limit so he tapped out a quick message on his cell.

When Matt slipped past the velvet drape into the alcove, Gillian was writhing on top of Dillon, and begging him—no surprise there—to fuck her harder. Brendan lay beside them with his dick in his hand and nodded at Venery’s rhythm guitarist to take his place and satisfy Gillian’s greatest desire.

Brendan rolled over. “Gillian, this will be better for you with someone else. Matt’s here. Is that okay, sweetheart?”

“Yes. Hurry.”

Matt stripped out of his clothes, grabbed a condom and lube, then positioned himself behind Gillian. Brendan was impressed at just how patient and how gentle he was with her. “Hey, Gillie girl.” He stroked the skin on her back and kissed her nape as he lubed them both up. Brendan heard her whimper and Matt soothed her. “Shh. Relax now.”

Dillon kissed her lips and her nipples. “That’s it, baby. Let him in.”

Brendan knew Matt made his way inside her when she starting singing “Fuck!” on repeat like it was a new hit song. He got off the bed and zipped up his pants to the sounds of three people coming, and grinned.

“I love you, Linnea. Always gonna love you, sweet girl.”

Oh, shit.

Dead silence.

“What did you say?”

And then Gillian began to cry while Matt held her.

Dillon reached over to touch her, but she shrugged him off. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered. Then he hurriedly dressed and bolted out of the alcove.

Brendan followed.
