Page 90 of Affinity

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“I sure will.” She turned to leave and then stopped. “Tell Brendan I’ll call him back tomorrow or as soon as I can. Do you know what he wanted?”

“Um, no.”

A nurse came into the waiting room. “Chloe Bennett.”

Bennett? Uh, no, that shit’s gonna change real soon.

Chloe stood up holding onto Taylor’s hand and Monica waved as she made her way to the elevator. Jesse took hold of her other hand and they followed the nurse into the exam room.

She wore pale-blue scrubs and was kind to Chloe as she checked her vitals and gave her a hospital gown to put on. “Change into this. Nothing underneath. You can leave your bra on, though. I’ll give you a few minutes and then send her in, okay?”

Chloe nodded and began unbuttoning her blouse. Jesse noticed her fingers trembled. She was having difficulty with the buttons. Taylor must have noticed too. He went to her and helped her with her blouse. “It’s okay, little bird. You’ve got this and we’ve got you.”

Roberta Torres was not at all what Jesse expected when she cracked open the door. She was all of five foot two and looked like she was twelve. He knew that she wasn’t, of course. She had to be older than he was if she was a doctor, for chrissakes. She had to be a mind reader too, because she looked right at him and winked. “I’m thirty-eight.”

Chloe giggled.

“Hey, Chloe. How are you—nervous?”

She half-shrugged with that smile he loved on her face. “A little.”

“I’m going to ask you a few questions first and then we’ll take a look, okay?”

“Okay.” She nodded.

“Do you want both of these young men in here?”

“Yes, I do.”

She grabbed a clipboard and asked Chloe a bunch of questions, most of them he didn’t understand, and then squirted some goop on her belly. She pointed to a flat screen mounted on the wall. “Let’s see if we can find your peanut—and that IUD.”

Taylor squeezed her hand on one side while he squeezed her hand on the other. The doctor pressed a wand into the goop on her belly. He couldn’t see a thing on that screen on the wall, but suddenly the room filled with the most beautiful sound Jesse had ever heard.

“Is that…” He felt tears forming in his eyes.

“Yes, it’s the baby’s heartbeat. Fast, huh?”

He glanced over at Chloe, smiling through her tears. Taylor looked stunned, like he couldn’t believe what he was hearing. The doctor moved the wand and pointed to the screen.

“And there’s peanut!”

The doctor pointed out the heartbeat and was talking to Chloe about measurements and he didn’t know what else. Jesse couldn’t take his eyes off that screen because it looked like a miniature baby in there with a big head and tiny arms and legs. Fingers and toes. The tears he felt forming in his eyes a minute ago were dripping down his face and he didn’t care who saw.

“Congratulations! Based on the baby’s measurements you’ve already made it through the first trimester.”

Jesse wasn’t quite sure what that meant and then Chloe’s doctor pulled a plastic wheel out of her lab coat pocket. “He’s measuring right around thirteen weeks. That means you conceived him mid-September. Your peanut should arrive around the second week of June.” She looked up at the three of them and smiled.

Taylor still sat there stunned. “It’s a boy?”

Roberta Torres chuckled. “I don’t know yet.”

“You said he.”

She chuckled again. “Habit. Sorry. There’s a blood test if you want to find out now.”

Chloe shook her head. “No, I want it to be a surprise.”

“Okay then.” Her face turned serious. “Now, we need to remove that IUD before it causes any problems. Then I want you to go home and rest for today, got it?”

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