Page 69 of Affinity

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She flinched the tiniest bit. He must have struck a nerve.

“I think you’re one of those people that will never be satisfied. You’re greedy and you covet what isn’t yours to have. Jealous.”

She wrinkled her nose. “Of you?”

“Hardly.” He let out a sardonic laugh and shook his head. “Funny, you haven’t even asked.”

Taylor stood from his seat in the booth. She let go of Brendan and turned on her heels to face him. Brendan moved to stand beside him and there was no mistaking that she finally noticed his displeasure. She backed into the table, slid her denim-clad ass on top of it, and crossed her legs. She was wearing designer jeans with carefully positioned rips and tatters that displayed her knees with those booties women fancied. Her top leg dangled and bobbed like she was nervous. It bobbed so fast that her boot was nothing but a red blur.

And that was the only thing that gave it away. Her face was schooled into an expression of mock indifference with her lips slightly upturned, like she had the upper hand. Did the bitch not yet realize she was caught?

“Asked what?”

Brendan supplied the question. “How we found Kyan’s girlfriend, Linnea.”

Her eyes darted around. In the background, Taylor noticed security and the cleaning crew begin to arrive.

Salena shrugged and rolled her eyes. “I don’t know, Brendan. How did you find her?”

Brendan took a step forward and cocked his head. “Jason.” He twirled a strand of black hair from her ponytail around his finger and smiled, but it was cold. Menacing. She didn’t even blanche.

“Who’s Jason?”

“The kitchen runner who gave you Linnea’s message last night.” Brendan let the strand of hair unravel from his finger. “The message you told him you’d take to Kyan.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Her leg bobbed even faster.

“She was hurt. Kyan was worried sick—we all were.” He was in her face now, yelling each word louder than the next. “And. You. Knew. All. Along!”

“He’s lying.” She visibly swallowed and looked around, for what, Taylor didn’t know—someone to vouch for her? That wasn’t likely. The cleaning crew kept their distance, but the security guys discreetly moved closer.

“Oh yeah?” Brendan raised his hand and beckoned one of his men over. “Axel, can you go over to Charley’s and ask Marcus to bring Jason from the kitchen here?” Then he turned his gaze back to Salena and winked. “We’ll see who’s lying, won’t we, baby?”

She crossed her arms over her chest. Her foot was going a mile a minute. Taylor wished Axel would hurry up because he just wanted this done. He wanted Salena gone and the little blonde back home with Kyan where she belonged. Then at last he’d be able to fall into his bed with Jesse and his little bird. Hold them tight. Love them.

Axel returned with Marcus and the kitchen boy right on his heels. He knew the kid was telling the truth and Brendan knew Salena was lying, so what was the point? “Thanks, Axel.” The burly head of Brendan’s security team took a retreating step back. “No. Stay.”

“Jason.” Brendan softened his voice. “Who did you give Linnea’s message for Kyan to?”

“I told you. I gave it to Miss Salena.”

“He’s lying!”

Taylor shook his head. Instead of bowing out with some dignity, it was apparent she was going to keep this farce going until the bitter end.

Fuck that!

“No, he isn’t,” Taylor interceded. They didn’t have time for this bullshit. “You found poor Jason wandering around the club looking for Kyan and you stopped him, didn’t you?”

Her eyes narrowed but she remained silent.

“You insisted he give the message for Kyan to you. I’m sure you chastised Jason here for setting foot inside the club, just as I’m sure you feigned adequate concern, didn’t you?”

She didn’t answer and Taylor didn’t expect her to. He looked to the kid. “Isn’t that right, Jason?”

He nodded. “Pretty much.”

Taylor took a step forward to stand with Brendan. “You never intended for Kyan to receive that message, did you?”

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