Page 64 of Affinity

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His dick throbbed in his pants with her plush bare bottom squirming on his lap. Jesse worked two fingers inside her pussy as Taylor pushed himself against her bottom to assuage the ache. It didn’t. He watched Jesse’s fingers plunge in and out, dripping with her sweetness. He wanted it so badly he could almost taste it, but it was Jesse who lowered his head, his face hidden behind a curtain of long hair, and sucked on her clit. Chloe threw her arms up and reached behind her. Encircling Taylor’s neck, she pulled him down to her mouth and kissed him with a voraciousness he’d never known before.

“I want your cock in me.” She pressed her ass against him. “Please.”

Jesus. Fuck. You’re killing me here, little bird.

But he wasn’t ever going to deny her anything she asked for. Taylor reached beneath her, unfastened his pants, and freed his dick. Jesse looked up with his mouth still on her cunt and met his gaze. He blinked once slowly, a silent signal, and withdrew his fingers from inside her. Chloe lifted her hips and Jesse wrapped his fingers, coated with her sweet essence, around his dick and gave him a few firm, languid strokes. Then he guided Taylor to her warm, wet cunt and returned his attention to her clit.

Taylor was going to make this last and go slow. Jesse could edge her all fucking night or make her come a dozen times. He didn’t care. Chloe wanted him inside her and he was more than willing to keep his dick snug and warm where she wanted it to be. He languorously pushed all the way in and pulled on her nipples, the way he knew she liked it. The scruff on Jesse’s chin tickled his balls as he licked her clit. Taylor slowly withdrew until only the head of his cock remained inside her and he felt Jesse’s tongue slide along his shaft.

Fucking Christ!

Jesse was playing dirty—not that Taylor minded. But he wouldn’t last as long as he wanted to if Jesse kept that up. He pushed his way back in. Her cunt was so tight and so wet. And she felt so good. Too good. He squeezed her breasts and nuzzled her neck. He could feel hot fluid flow from inside her body and drip onto his balls as he slowly fucked her.

And then he felt a warm tongue lapping her sweetness from his balls. Jesse. No one, except Chloe, would ever understand what is was to be loved by this man—in every sense of the word. There was a time he feared he’d never get to love him and then he feared he wouldn’t be able to keep him. But one taste of cherry cake changed all that, didn’t it? Together, the three of them had everything they wanted. They were whole and happy. Complete. The son of a bitch was right. Taylor had both of them to love. He just had to take it.

The attention Jesse gave to his balls quickened his strokes. He wished Jesse could be inside him while he was inside Chloe. He thanked mother nature for making him the way he was every damn day, because nothing felt more glorious than Jesse’s big dick pounding his ass while he fucked their girl hard. Their sex was messy and raw, just the way he liked it. Just the way all three of them liked it. As if Jesse could read his mind, and maybe he could, he pushed two wet fingers in his ass.

There was no stopping it then. His balls tightened almost to the point of pain. He held onto Chloe’s nipples and groaned into her neck as he came. She was panting and trembling. He stroked her arms and kissed her hair while Jesse got cleansing wipes and a towel from the warming drawer under the table to care for her. He righted the top half of her dress while Jesse fixed the bottom, then he gently eased her up from his chest to sit beside him. She looked just fucked and beautiful.

Brendan must have just finished his demo with Salena. The platform was dark and a video was playing on the screen. Chloe gasped, grabbed his hand, and nudged Jesse. “Oh. My. God. Look!”

He looked. There, on the center sofa were Dillon, Kyan, and his girl—the little blonde. Linnea. Chloe would smack him if he referred to her as that again. They were in much the same position as the three of them had just been. Linnea laid between Dillon’s thighs, her back against his chest, while Kyan had his hand between her legs. It was obvious to Taylor that Dillon was playing with her nipples under her dress. He’d seen the Byrne brothers in similar scenes countless times. In fact, they were well known for it. This was a sex club for fuck’s sake, so why was Chloe so shocked?

She watched them, mouth agape, as Bo tucked a warm towel beneath her friend, kissed her neck, and retreated back to his spot next to Matt across from them. Bo couldn’t take his eyes off the girl. He seemed mesmerized by the sight of Kyan getting his girlfriend off.

Bo? The fuck?

The girl angled her face toward Dillon and they kissed the fuck out of each other as she came. Chloe looked stunned. Gobsmacked. She slowly shook her head back and forth and murmured so only they could hear her, “Fuck, she loves him.”

Kyan was her boyfriend, wasn’t he? Taylor put his arm around her and stated the obvious. “Of course she loves him.”

Chloe shook her head faster. “Dillon.”

Jesse sighed. He actually fucking sighed. “Yeah, and he loves her too.”

“Oh. Right. Well then.”


“I’m a person and I have feelings, Taylor, even if you don’t.” Chloe looked like she was going to cry, her sea glass eyes flooded with liquid saline. “I’m not just some bloody experiment for you to play with.”

What the bloody fuck was she going on about?

Taylor was dumbfounded. He replayed the past hour in his head. Had he missed something? The group of them popped a bottle of champagne to toast Brendan when he returned with Salena after their demo. Bo and the boys left with some birds to go dance or fuck or whatever. Everything was tickety-boo. Nothing amiss. What had upset her so much that she was cursing at him in British now?

Kyan approached so he couldn’t ask her. He took Chloe by the arm. “Hey, did you come from the ladies’ room just now?”



He turned to look at Salena who was standing at the bar with Brendan and Dillon. She met his gaze with a smirk on her face and tipped her glass of champagne in his direction.

“Was Linn in there?”


And then everything went to hell.

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