Page 44 of Affinity

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She had to admit that even without photoshop he was beautiful and Taylor had no qualms about looking his fill. He wasn’t even subtle about it. His gaze slowly moved down her body as he cocked his head and chewed on the inside corner of his lip. Was that an eye-fuck? She was pretty sure it was. Chloe felt the heat bloom in her cheeks and she wasn’t someone who blushed easily.

Jesse left Taylor at the stove and came around the island to gather her in his arms. “With cherries on top.” He smiled and kissed the top of her head.

Taylor hadn’t moved. Same smirk. Arms crossed. His chocolate eyes bored into hers, but his face gave away nothing of what he might be feeling. Jesse led Chloe into the kitchen.

Like a lamb being led to the slaughter.

She bit her lip to stifle the urge to giggle.

“Chloe, meet Tay…”

“Mocha caramel cake,” she blurted.

This was ridiculous. It’s not like they had never actually met before and she certainly knew his name. Most anyone under the age of thirty-five did. She extended her hand. “Chloe Elizabeth Bennett.”

He uncrossed his arms and took her hand in his. He just held onto it. No shake. No squeeze. He just held it lightly with his own. “Taylor Chandan Kerrigan.” Then he brought her hand to his lips and kissed it.

That was unexpected. She wished she knew what Taylor thought about…cake. Did he want the same things Jesse did? Chloe couldn’t read him. His face held the same impassive expression, his voice cool and aloof—maybe it was a British thing. Then again maybe she just didn’t know him well enough. Yet.

Taylor lowered her hand, but he didn’t let go. “Dinner will be ready shortly.” He glanced over at Jesse. “Some wine to go with the bruschetta would be lovely.”

It was only then Chloe noticed a platter of antipasti on the marble-topped island. Jesse placed a glass of pinot in her free hand and gave one to Taylor as well. She was tempted to drain the glass. On one side Jesse had his arm around her waist and on the other Taylor held onto her hand. “It looks wonderful.”

Taylor set his glass down. “Are you nervous, Chloe?”

“Not really.”

“Are you uncomfortable?”

“Maybe a little.”

“As am I, so…” He pulled her against him. Jesse came up behind her, his hands on her shoulders. “…let’s try that again.” He held her face in his hands. “Hello, little bird.” And he lowered his mouth to hers.

His lips were full and soft and warm. Taylor gently captured her mouth, imprinting his kiss on her. He eased into it with practiced precision until he found a rhythm that was theirs. Only then did she feel his tongue slip inside her mouth. He sampled. Tasted. He deepened the kiss and she felt it low in her belly. His fingers slid from her face to tangle in her hair. Jesse’s fingers caressed her shoulders and she felt him harden inside his jeans.

Taylor lifted his head, grazing her bottom lip with his teeth, and gifted her with his trademark smirk. “That’s better.” He winked and picked up his glass.

Jesse’s arms came around her middle. He squeezed her and kissed the spot below her ear. “I love you.”

Dinner consisted of the delicious meal Jesse and Taylor prepared together—Chicken Francese over pasta, small talk, and a lot of wine. Chloe felt relaxed now, a bit more at ease, as she got comfortable on the leather sofa after their meal with another glass of wine. She leaned her back against the arm, propped up with some pillows, and Jesse pulled her feet into his lap. Taylor sat on a floor pillow in front of them.

“Now is the time to ask questions, Chloe.” Taylor’s hand rested on her bent knee. “You must have some.”

“What do you want, Taylor?”

His hand slowly swept down her leg, from her knee to her foot in Jesse’s lap and back up again. “You should know I’m nothing but brutally honest.” He massaged the back of her calf as he spoke. “I want what makes Jesse happy, and that’s you.”

Chloe nodded. It was just as she thought, not that she expected anything else.

“Now don’t get your knickers in a twist, little bird.” His hand slid up to rub the back of her thigh. “I’ve known Jesse since I was fourteen, and I’ve only just met you. Now, I will admit you’re very pretty—beautiful. You seem intelligent. You’re witty—cheeky even, and I like that. It made my dick hard to kiss you.”

“Tay.” Jesse’s tone was scolding.

Taylor just shrugged. His other hand landed on Jesse’s thigh. “What I was trying to say is that I’m attracted to you and I like you. I love Jesse and so I want to give it a go. See what happens between us.”

He stood. “Budge up.”


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