Page 110 of Affinity

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“I love you.”

Jesse stood behind her with his hands resting on her shoulders. She turned her head and he stole a kiss. Then she smiled. He’d do anything to see that smile. Anything at all.

She smiled all the way through dinner and chocolate flan. They were all in the living room watching the hockey game. Chloe was stretched out with her head against his shoulder and her feet in Brendan’s lap. Linnea snuggled with Kyan, while Dillon sat in front of them on a pillow on the floor. The six of them hadn’t been together like this since the lake house last summer and he’d missed it.







One by one each of their phones made that fucking sound. Except for Dillon’s, because he just had to be different. Chloe almost looked terrified as they all picked up their phones. She just held hers in her hand, staring at the notification on the screen.

“Jesse, it’s that same fake-ass number.”


It was the same number and there was another link. He heard a gasp come from Linnea. Her hand covered her mouth as she slowly shook her head back and forth.

“What is it?”

Brendan answered, “They know.”

“Know what?” Not that Jesse really had to ask.

Another article. Photos. The three of them getting out of the town car for the club’s anniversary party. In front of the red door at the masquerade ball. Kissing in front of the big Christmas tree downtown. Their wedding.

“How the fuck did they get pictures from the wedding?” Jesse couldn’t believe what he was seeing.

Chloe just stared at her phone. “They’re not Danielle’s photos. She didn’t take these.”

“The how is the easy part. Glass conservatory in a public park. Telephoto lens,” Kyan offered. “It’s the who and the why we have to figure out. Someone set you up. Looks like a planned attack to me.”

“That’s crazy, Ky.” Linnea looked at him, astonished. “I mean, no one could have planned for Taylor’s baby-mama drama, right?” She tilted her head and pursed her lips in thought. “And somehow arranged to have these photos taken over the past six months…waiting for just the right moment to strike.”

“There are crazy evil people in this world, Linn.” Dillon glanced over to her from his spot on the floor. “Of anyone, you should understand the lengths someone like that will go to.”


Wretched day. Horrid place. Jesse knew Dillon was thinking it. They were all thinking it now. Not that this situation was the same—it wasn’t even close. But after that shitshow, nothing could shock them, could it? Dillon was right. There were people in this world who would go to such extraordinary measures, but for what?

Linnea nodded. “Point taken, Dill.”

“And it’s not as farfetched as you might think for someone to have orchestrated this baby-mama drama.”

Everyone turned their attention to Brendan. Jesse brought Chloe closer to him. She squeezed his hand. Dillon got up off the floor and sat on the other side of his brother.

“How, Bren?” Linnea questioned with a raised brow. “There is a baby.”

Brendan smirked and poured some whiskey in his glass. “Just hear me out, okay?”

They all just looked at him expectantly. Nobody said anything.

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